Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
polybori::AddEliminationDegree< SizeType >
polybori::and_tag< Tag1, Tag2 >And_tag<valid_tag, valid_tag> -> valid_tag, otherwise invalid_tag
polybori::and_tag< valid_tag, valid_tag >
polybori::append_indexed_divisor< DDType, IdxType >Defines multiplication (with assignment) with the idx-th variable
polybori::binary_composition< BinaryOp, FirstOp, SecondOp >Compose a binary function with two default constructable unary functions
polybori::groebner::BitMask< NBits >This class defines a bit mask and related operations
polybori::groebner::BitMask< 0 >
polybori::groebner::BitMask< sizeof(unsigned long)*8 >
polybori::block_tag< TagType >Marker for block orderings
polybori::BlockDegLexOrderThis class defines ordering related functions
polybori::BlockDegRevLexAscOrderThis class defines ordering related functions
polybori::groebner::BlockOrderHelperThis class defines BlockOrderHelper
polybori::BooleConstantThis class wraps a bool value, which was not converted to a boolean polynomial or monomial yet
polybori::BooleEnvThis class is just a wrapper accessing global structures
polybori::BooleExponentThis class is just a wrapper for using variables for storing indices as interim data structure for BooleMonomial
polybori::BooleMonomialThis class is just a wrapper for using variables from cudd's decicion diagram
polybori::BoolePolynomialThis class wraps the underlying decicion diagram type and defines the necessary operations
polybori::BoolePolyRingThis class reinterprets decicion diagram managers as Boolean polynomial rings, adds an ordering and variable names
polybori::BooleSetSequenceThis class converts a BooleSet to a sequence-like structure
polybori::BooleVariableThis class is just a wrapper for using variables from cudd's decicion diagram
polybori::bounded_restricted_term< NaviType, DescendingProperty >
polybori::groebner::BoundedDivisorsOfThis class defines defines a function for computing a bounded variant of MononmialSet's divisorsOf
polybori::CAbstractStackBase< NavigatorType >
polybori::cached_block_deg< NavigatorType >
polybori::cached_deg< NavigatorType >
polybori::CacheManager< CacheType >
polybori::CApplyNodeFacade< DiagramType, NodePtr >This template class defines a facade as a C++ interface for applying C-style functions to C-style structs, which represent decision diagrams. It is used to wrapp functions calls to raw pointers of the nodes and the context to an C++-style object
polybori::CAuxTypesThis struct contains auxiliary type definitions
polybori::CBlockDegreeCache< DDType >
polybori::CBlockDegreeOrderingTags< OrderTag, DescProp >
polybori::CBlockOrderingFacade< OrderType, OrderTag >This class implements block orderings for COrderingFacade. OrderType must inherit from COrderingFacade<OrderType>
polybori::CBlockTermStack< NavigatorType, DescendingProperty, BaseType >
polybori::CBoundedDegreeCache< DDType >
polybori::CCacheManagement< ManagerType, CacheType, ArgumentLength >This template class forms the base for CCommutativeCacheManagement and CacheManager. It is an interface defining find and insert on decision diagram cache
CCacheManBaseThis template forms the base for CCacheManagement. It implements routines for finding and inserting results into the cache
polybori::CCacheManBase< ManagerType, CacheType, 0 >
polybori::CCacheManBase< ManagerType, CacheType, 1 >
polybori::CCacheManBase< ManagerType, CacheType, 2 >
polybori::CCacheManBase< ManagerType, CacheType, 3 >
polybori::CCacheTypes::lead_tag< TagType >
polybori::CCallbackFacade< Type, ResultType, ArgType >Variant for constant non-void member functions
polybori::CCallbackFacade< Type, void, ArgType >Specialized variant for constant void member functions
polybori::CCallbackWrapper< MemberFuncPtr >This template class defines a functional, which wraps operator .*, which is the callback of a dynamic member function wrt. a given object
polybori::CCheckedIdxThis class defines CCheckedIdx
polybori::CCommutativeCacheManagement< ManagerType, CacheType >
polybori::CCompareEnumsThis struct contains type definitions and enumerations to be used for comparisons
polybori::CCuddCoreThis class prepares the CUDD's raw decision diagram manager structure for the use with instrinsive pointers
polybori::CCuddDDFacade< RingType, DiagramType >This template class defines a facade for decision diagrams
polybori::CCuddFirstIterThis class defines an iterator over the first minimal term of a given ZDD node
polybori::CCuddInterfaceThis class defines a C++ interface to CUDD's decicion diagram manager
polybori::CCuddLastIterThis class defines an iterator over the last minimal term of a given ZDD node
polybori::CCuddLikeMgrStorage< MgrType >
polybori::CCuddNavigatorThis class defines an iterator for navigating through then and else branches of ZDDs
CDDOperationGeneric class containing decision diagram operations
polybori::CDDOperations< DDType, MonomType >
polybori::CDegreeArgumentCache< TagType, DDType >
polybori::CDegreeCache< DDType >
polybori::CDegreeOrderingTags< OrderTag, DescProp >
polybori::CDegStackBase< NavigatorType, invalid_tag, BlockProperty, BaseType >
polybori::CDegStackBase< NavigatorType, valid_tag, BlockProperty, BaseType >
polybori::CDegStackCore< NavigatorType, invalid_tag, Category, BaseType >For pure degree stacks
polybori::CDegStackCore< NavigatorType, valid_tag, Category, BaseType >For block stacks
polybori::CDegTermStack< NavigatorType, DescendingProperty, BlockProperty, BaseType >
polybori::CErrorEnumsThis struct contains type definitions and enumerations to be used for error codes
polybori::CExpGenerator< ExpType >
polybori::CExpIter< NaviType, ExpType >
polybori::CExtrusivePtr< DataType, ValueType >This template class defines a reimplementation of the interface from boost:intrusive_ptr, but with an additional data field
polybori::CFactoryBaseThis base class CFactoryBase is used for currying other constructors with a BoolePolyRing
polybori::CGenericIter< OrderType, NaviType, RefType >
polybori::CGenericOrderedIter< OrderType, NavigatorType, MonomType >
polybori::CGenericOrderedIter< OrderType, NavigatorType, BooleExponent >
polybori::groebner::ChainCriterionThis class defines ChainCriterion
polybori::groebner::ChainVariableCriterionThis class defines ChainVariableCriterion
changeAccessing .change()
polybori::change_assign< RhsType, LhsType >Accessing .changeAssign()
polybori::change_assign< void, pbori_traits< void >::idx_type >
polybori::change_idx< RhsType, LhsType >
polybori::groebner::CheckChainCriterion< StrategyType >This class defines CheckChainCriterion
polybori::CIndexCacheHandle< NaviType >
polybori::CIndexHandle< NaviType >This class defines an uses an navigator-like type for storing integer values from 0 upto nmax (number of currently active ring variables)
polybori::CLiteralCodesThis template class defines enumerative codes for the string literals defined by the CStringLiterals class
CMemberFunctionTraitsThis template class defines related types for member function pointer
polybori::CMemberFunctionTraits< ResultType(Type::*)() const >
polybori::CMemberFunctionTraits< ResultType(Type::*)()>
polybori::CMemberFunctionTraits< ResultType(Type::*)(ArgType) const >
polybori::CMemberFunctionTraits< ResultType(Type::*)(ArgType)>
polybori::CMemberFunctionTraitsBase< Type, ResultType, ArgType, ObjRef >Axuiliary class
polybori::CNodeCounter< NaviType >This class defines CNodeCounter
polybori::CommutativeCacheManager< CacheType >
polybori::constant_binder1st< BinaryFunction, ConstantOp >
polybori::constant_binder2nd< BinaryFunction, ConstantOp >
polybori::constant_binder_base< BindType, BinaryFunction, ValueType, ConstantOp >
polybori::COrderedIter< NavigatorType, MonomType >
polybori::COrderEnumsThis struct contains type definitions and enumerations to be used for order codes
polybori::COrderingFacade< OrderType, OrderTag >This class initialize the interface for orderings of CDynamicOrderBase for a given OrderType. OrderType must inherit from COrderingFacade<OrderType>
COrderingTagsThis tempalte class is base for classes which define ordering tags and properties
polybori::COrderingTags< block_dlex_tag >
polybori::COrderingTags< block_dp_asc_tag >
polybori::COrderingTags< dlex_tag >
polybori::COrderingTags< dp_asc_tag >
polybori::COrderingTags< lex_tag >
polybori::COrderingTagsBase< OrderTag, LexProp, DegOrderProp, BlockOrderProp, DescendingProp, OrderedProp, TotelDegOrderProp, SymmetryProp >
polybori::count_tags< CCacheTypes::divisorsof_fixedpath >
polybori::count_tags< CCacheTypes::has_factor_x_plus_y >
polybori::count_tags< CCacheTypes::left_equals_right_x_branch_and_r_has_fac_x >
polybori::count_tags< CCacheTypes::testwise_ternary >
polybori::groebner::CountCriterionThis class defines CountCriterion
polybori::CReverseIter< OrderType, NaviType, RefType >
polybori::CReverseTermStack< NavigatorType, Category >This class defines an iterator for the monomials in a Boolean polynomial in reversed lexicographicxal order
polybori::CStackSelector< OrderType, NaviType, BaseType >
polybori::CStringLiteral< LitCode >This template class defines string literals corresponding to the codes enumerated in the class CLiteralCodes
polybori::CTermGenerator< TermType >
polybori::CTermGenerator< BooleMonomial >
polybori::CTermGeneratorBase< TermType >
polybori::CTermGeneratorBase__< TermType, type_tag< BooleExponent > >
polybori::CTermGeneratorBase__< TermType, type_tag< BooleMonomial > >
polybori::CTermGeneratorBase__< TermType, type_tag< CTypes::deg_type > >
polybori::CTermGeneratorBase__< TermType, type_tag< CTypes::size_type > >
polybori::CTermIter< StackType, TermGeneratorType >This class defines an iterator for the monomials in a Boolean polynomial
polybori::CTermStack< NavigatorType, Category, BaseType >This class defines an iterator for the monomials in a Boolean polynomial
polybori::CTermStackBase< NavigatorType, BaseType >This class defines an iterator for the monomials in a Boolean polynomial
polybori::CTypesThis struct contains type definitions to be used in library classes
polybori::cudd_error_traits< ErrorNumber >
polybori::cudd_tag_number< Counted, Offset >
polybori::CVariableIter< Iterator, VariableType >This template class defines an iterator for monomial types
polybori::CWeakPtr< ValueType >This class defines CWeakPtr
polybori::CWeakPtrFacade< ValueType >This class defines CWeakPtrFacade
polybori::CWrappedStack< StackType >
polybori::dd_add_assign< DDType >Defines addition operation with assignment for decision diagrams
polybori::dd_operations< CCuddNavigator >
polybori::default_binder1st< BinaryFunction >
polybori::default_binder2nd< BinaryFunction >
polybori::default_binder_base< BindType, BinaryFunction, ValueType >
polybori::default_value< ValueType >
polybori::DegLexOrderThis class defines ordering related functions
polybori::groebner::DegOrderHelperThis class defines DegOrderHelper
polybori::DegRevLexAscOrderThis class defines ordering related functions
polybori::DerefProxy< Type >
polybori::dlex_tagMarker for deg-lex ordering
polybori::dp_asc_tagMarker for ascending deg-rev-lex ordering
polybori::dummy_data_type< DummyType >
polybori::dummy_iteratorAn iterator which virtually does nothing
easy_equality_propertyDefines generic base for properties
polybori::EliminationDegreeAdder< ExponentVectorType >
polybori::equality_property< ValidityTag >
polybori::groebner::ExpGreaterThis class defines ExpGreater
polybori::groebner::ExpLexLessThis class defines ExpLexLess
polybori::generate_index_map< Type >
get_baseDeclaration, which can be used to define base classes for inheritance of classes in advance
polybori::get_node< DDType >
polybori::groebner::GroebnerCriteria< StrategyType >This class defines GroebnerCriteria
polybori::groebner::GroebnerOptionsThis class defines options settings for GroebnerStrategy
polybori::groebner::GroebnerStrategyThis class defines GroebnerStrategy
polybori::handle_else< NavigatorType >
polybori::hashes< Type >
polybori::groebner::HasTRepOrExtendedProductCriterionThis class defines HasTRepOrExtendedProductCriterion
polybori::groebner::IJPairDataThis class defines IJPairData
polybori::increment_count_tags< BaseTag >
insertAccessing .insert()
polybori::insert_assign< RhsType, LhsType >Accessing .insertAssign()
polybori::insert_assign< void, pbori_traits< void >::idx_type >
polybori::insert_second_to_list< ListType, RhsType, LhsType >Insert second argument to a given list
polybori::inserts< RhsType, LhsType >Accessing .insert()
polybori::inserts< void, pbori_traits< void >::idx_type >
polybori::integral_constant< IntType, INTCONST, ResultType >Integral_constant<int_type, NUM>()() returns NUM of int_type, instead of possibly arguments. integral_constant<int_type, NUM, other_type>()() returns conversion of NUM of int_type to other_type
polybori::internal_tagThis class marks an internal part of a procedure
polybori::invalid_tagThis class shows, whether a property of an order is invalid
invert_tagChanges valid_tag -> invalid_tag and vice versa
polybori::invert_tag< invalid_tag >
polybori::invert_tag< valid_tag >
polybori::is_same_type< Type1, Type2 >This class tests whether two types equal
polybori::is_same_type< Type, Type >
polybori::is_valid< Type >
polybori::groebner::IsEcart0PredicateThis class defines IsEcart0Predicate
polybori::groebner::LargerDegreeComparerThis class defines LargerDegreeComparer
polybori::groebner::LeadingTermsThis class defines LeadingTerms
polybori::groebner::LeadingTerms00This class defines LeadingTerms00
polybori::groebner::LeadingTerms11This class defines LeadingTerms11
polybori::groebner::LessCombinedManySizesInStratThis class defines LessCombinedManySizesInStrat
polybori::groebner::LessEcartThenLessWeightedLengthInStratThis class defines LessEcartThenLessWeightedLengthInStrat
polybori::groebner::LessUsedTailVariablesThenLessWeightedLengthInStratThis class defines LessUsedTailVariablesThenLessWeightedLengthInStrat
polybori::groebner::LessWeightedLengthInStratThis class defines LessWeightedLengthInStrat
polybori::groebner::LessWeightedLengthInStratModifiedThis class defines LessWeightedLengthInStratModified
polybori::lex_compare_predicate< LhsType, RhsType, BinaryPredicate >Defines lexicographic comparison functor
polybori::lex_tagMarker for lex ordering
polybori::groebner::LexHelperThis class defines LexHelper
polybori::LexOrderThis class defines ordering related functions
polybori::groebner::LexOrderGreaterComparerThis class defines LexOrderGreaterComparer
polybori::groebner::LiteralFactorizationIteratorThis class defines LiteralFactorizationIterator
polybori::groebner::LLReduction< have_redsb, single_call_for_noredsb, fast_multiplication >This class defines LLReduction
polybori::groebner::LLReductorThis class defines LLReductor
polybori::groebner::LMLessCompareThis class defines LMLessCompare
polybori::groebner::LMLessComparePSThis class defines LMLessComparePS
polybori::groebner::Long64From32BitsPair< High, Low >This class defines Long64From32BitsPair
Long64From32BitsPairBaseThis class defines an auxiliary class for Long64From32BitsPair
polybori::groebner::Long64From32BitsPairBase< High, Low, 4 >
polybori::groebner::Long64From32BitsPairBase< High, Low, 8 >
polybori::manager_traits< CuddLike >
polybori::mapped_new_node< MapType, VariableType, TermType, NodeType >
polybori::groebner::MatrixMonomialOrderTablesThis class defines MatrixMonomialOrderTables
polybori::maximum_iteration< ValueType >Returns maximun of given argument and previous calls
polybori::MemberFunctionOperator< MemberFct >
polybori::groebner::MinimalLeadingTermsThis class defines MinimalLeadingTerms
polybori::MonomialFactoryThis base class MonomialFactory is used for currying monomial constructors with a BoolePolyRing
polybori::groebner::MonomialHasherThis class defines MonomialHasher
polybori::groebner::MonomialPlusOneTermsThis class defines MonomialPlusOneTerms
polybori::groebner::MonomialTermsThis class defines MonomialTerms
polybori::navigates< DDType >
polybori::navigator_tagFor iterator_category
polybori::groebner::NBitsUsed< NValue >This class defines NBitsUsed whose value attribute computes the actual number of used bits at compile time
polybori::groebner::NBitsUsed< 0 >
polybori::groebner::NextSpolyThis class computes the next spoly for a generator pair
boost::python::converter::object_manager_traits< polybori::dict >
boost::python::converter::object_manager_traits< polybori::object >
boost::python::converter::object_manager_traits< polybori::tuple >
polybori::on_same_type< Type1, Type2, ThenType, ElseType >This class switches betweem two types, depending on equality of types
polybori::on_same_type< Type, Type, ThenType, ElseType >
polybori::order_traits< OrderTag >
polybori::order_traits< block_tag< BaseOrderTag > >
polybori::order_traits_code< block_dlex_tag >
polybori::order_traits_code< block_dp_asc_tag >
polybori::order_traits_code< dlex_tag >
polybori::order_traits_code< dp_asc_tag >
polybori::order_traits_code< lex_tag >
polybori::groebner::PairDataThis class defines PairData
polybori::groebner::PairEThis class defines PairE
polybori::groebner::PairECompareThis class defines PairECompare
polybori::groebner::PairLSThis class defines PairLS
polybori::groebner::PairLSCompareThis class defines PairLSCompare
polybori::groebner::PairManagerThis class defines PairManager
polybori::groebner::PairManagerFacade< StrategyType >This class defines a facade for a given Strategy, which
polybori::groebner::PairManagerWithStrategy< StrategyType >This class extends PairManager with a reference to a strategy
polybori::groebner::PairStatusSetThis class defines PairStatusSet
polybori::pbori_base< CCacheManBase< BoolePolyRing, CacheType, ArgumentLength > >
polybori::pbori_base< CCacheManBase< boost::intrusive_ptr< CCuddCore >, CacheType, ArgumentLength > >
polybori::pbori_base< CCacheManBase< CCuddInterface, CacheType, ArgumentLength > >
polybori::pbori_base< CExpIter< NaviType, ExpType > >
polybori::pbori_base< CGenericIter< OrderType, NaviType, RefType > >
polybori::pbori_base< CReverseIter< OrderType, NaviType, RefType > >
polybori::pbori_binary_traits< FirstType, SecondType >This class contains property definitions related to two types to be used in polybori classes
polybori::pbori_binary_traits< OnlyType, OnlyType >
polybori::pbori_traits< ValueType >This class contains property definitions to be used in polybori classes
polybori::pbori_traits< dummy_iterator >
polybori::pbori_traits< int >
polybori::pbori_traits< long int >
polybori::pbori_traits< std::set< ValueType > >
polybori::pbori_traits< std::vector< ValueType > >
polybori::pbori_traits< unsigned int >
polybori::pbori_traits< void >
polybori::PBoRiErrorThis class is used for polybori's exception handling
polybori::PBoRiGenericError< ErrorCode >This template class is used for polybori's exception handling
polybori::PBoRiOutIter< DataType, RhsType, BinOp >This template class defines an output iterator which interprets assignments of indices as a change of given data wrt. a given binary operation
polybori::groebner::PolyEntryThis class defines PolyEntry
polybori::groebner::PolyEntryBaseThis class defines the base of PolyEntry
polybori::groebner::PolyEntryIndicesThis class defines PolyEntryIndices
polybori::groebner::PolyEntryPtrLmLessThis class compares pointers to PolyEntry by their leading monomials
polybori::groebner::PolyEntryReferenceThis class defines PolyEntryReference
polybori::groebner::PolyFromPolyEntryThis class defines an operator which extracts the Polynomial from a PolyEntry
polybori::groebner::PolyMonomialPairComparerLessThis class defines PolyMonomialPairComparerLess
polybori::groebner::PolyMonomialPairComparerLexLessThis class defines PolyMonomialPairComparerLexLess
polybori::PolynomialFactoryThis base class PolynomialFactory is used for currying polynomial constructors with a BoolePolyRing
polybori::groebner::PolynomialSugarThis class defines PolynomialSugar
polybori::groebner::PolyPairDataThis class defines PolyPairData
project_ithProject to the second of all given arguments
project_ithVirtually does nothing with the given arguments
project_ithProject to the third of all given arguments
project_ithIs the identity functional or projection to first argument
polybori::project_ith< 0, NLEN >
polybori::project_ith< 1, NLEN >
polybori::project_ith< 2, NLEN >
polybori::project_ith< 3, NLEN >
property_ownerDefines generic base for properties
polybori::groebner::PSCompareByElThis class defines PSCompareByEl
polybori::groebner::PseudoLongLong< High, Low >This class defines PseudoLongLong
polybori::groebner::PseudoLongProductThis class defines a delayed product of longs and comparison with LongLong Constant
polybori::push_back< ListType, ValueType >Accessing .push_back()
polybori::groebner::RankingVectorThis class defines RankingVector
polybori::groebner::ReductionOptionsThis class defines option values for the ReductionStrategy
polybori::groebner::ReductionStrategyThis class defines ReductionStrategy
polybori::groebner::ReductionTermsThis class defines term for ReductionStrategy
polybori::groebner::RelatedTermsThis class finds those terms in a given set which are related to given terms
polybori::groebner::RelatedTermsBaseThis class deals as a base of RelatedTerns
polybori::remove_assign< RhsType, LhsType >Accessing .removeAssign()
polybori::remove_assign< void, pbori_traits< void >::idx_type >
polybori::removes< RhsType, LhsType >Accessing .remove()
polybori::removes< void, pbori_traits< void >::idx_type >
reversed_iterationInterchanges operator++ and operator-- of a given iterator
polybori::reversed_iteration_adaptor< BiIterator >
polybori::groebner::SetAssociatedMinimal< KeyType, Value >This class set the attribute minimal of a given index to a valued selected by the template parameter Value
polybori::groebner::SetBitUIntThis class defines SetBitUInt
polybori::SetFactoryThis base class SetFactory is used for currying set constructors with a BoolePolyRing
polybori::groebner::ShorterEliminationLengthThis class defines ShorterEliminationLength
polybori::groebner::ShorterEliminationLengthModifiedThis class defines ShorterEliminationLengthModified
polybori::sizes_less< ListType >A functional for size comparisons
polybori::groebner::SlimgbReduction< variant >This class defines SlimgbReduction
polybori::subset0_assign< RhsType, LhsType >Accessing .subset1Assign()
polybori::subset1_assign< RhsType, LhsType >Accessing .subset1Assign()
polybori::symmetric_composition< BinaryOp, UnaryOperation >Compose a binary function with a default constructable unary function for both arguments
polybori::groebner::TermsFacade< NewType >This class defines TermsFacade
polybori::times_indexed_var< DDType, IdxType >Defines multiplication operation with the idx-th variable
polybori::TransformedIterator< IteratorType, OperatorType >This class defines the iterator of Trnasformed sequence
polybori::TransformedSequence< SequenceType, OperatorType >This class converts a sequence-like structure when iterating
polybori::type_tag< Type >This class marks a given type
polybori::UnaryOperatorTraits< UnaryFunc >
polybori::UnaryOperatorTraits< ResultType(*)(ArgType)>
polybori::unite_assign< RhsType, LhsType >Accessing .uniteAssign()
polybori::valid_tagThis class shows, whether a property of an order is valid
polybori::variable_name< ManagerType, IdxType, VarNameType >Defines generic access to variable names
polybori::VariableBlockThis class defines a VariableBlock
polybori::VariableFactoryThis base class VariableFactory is used for currying variable constructors with a BoolePolyRing
polybori::groebner::VariablePairDataThis class defines VariablePairData
polybori::WeakRingPtrThis class defines WeakRingPtr
polybori::groebner::ZeroFunctionThis class defines ZeroFunction

Generated on Wed Jan 30 16:39:51 2013 for PolyBoRi by  doxygen 1.5.6