polybori Namespace Reference


class  BlockDegLexOrder
 This class defines ordering related functions. More...
class  BlockDegRevLexAscOrder
 This class defines ordering related functions. More...
class  BooleConstant
 This class wraps a bool value, which was not converted to a boolean polynomial or monomial yet. More...
class  BooleEnv
 This class is just a wrapper accessing global structures. More...
class  BooleExponent
 This class is just a wrapper for using variables for storing indices as interim data structure for BooleMonomial. More...
class  BooleMonomial
 This class is just a wrapper for using variables from cudd's decicion diagram. More...
class  BoolePolynomial
 This class wraps the underlying decicion diagram type and defines the necessary operations. More...
class  BoolePolyRing
 This class reinterprets decicion diagram managers as Boolean polynomial rings, adds an ordering and variable names. More...
class  BooleSet
class  BooleSetSequence
 This class converts a BooleSet to a sequence-like structure. More...
class  BooleVariable
 This class is just a wrapper for using variables from cudd's decicion diagram. More...
class  CacheManager
class  CommutativeCacheManager
class  CCacheTypes
struct  count_tags< CCacheTypes::divisorsof_fixedpath >
struct  increment_count_tags
class  count_tags< CCacheTypes::testwise_ternary >
class  count_tags< CCacheTypes::left_equals_right_x_branch_and_r_has_fac_x >
class  count_tags< CCacheTypes::has_factor_x_plus_y >
class  cudd_tag_number
class  CCuddLikeMgrStorage
struct  pbori_base< CCacheManBase< CCuddInterface, CacheType, ArgumentLength > >
struct  pbori_base< CCacheManBase< BoolePolyRing, CacheType, ArgumentLength > >
struct  pbori_base< CCacheManBase< boost::intrusive_ptr< CCuddCore >, CacheType, ArgumentLength > >
class  CCacheManBase< ManagerType, CacheType, 0 >
class  CCacheManBase< ManagerType, CacheType, 1 >
class  CCacheManBase< ManagerType, CacheType, 2 >
class  CCacheManBase< ManagerType, CacheType, 3 >
class  CCacheManagement
 This template class forms the base for CCommutativeCacheManagement and CacheManager. It is an interface defining find and insert on decision diagram cache. More...
class  CCommutativeCacheManagement
class  CIndexHandle
 This class defines an uses an navigator-like type for storing integer values from 0 upto nmax (number of currently active ring variables). More...
class  CIndexCacheHandle
class  CDegreeCache
class  CBoundedDegreeCache
class  CBlockDegreeCache
class  CDegreeArgumentCache
class  CCheckedIdx
 This class defines CCheckedIdx. More...
class  CExtrusivePtr
 This template class defines a reimplementation of the interface from boost:intrusive_ptr, but with an additional data field. More...
class  CWeakPtr
 This class defines CWeakPtr. More...
class  CWeakPtrFacade
 This class defines CWeakPtrFacade. More...
class  invalid_tag
 This class shows, whether a property of an order is invalid. More...
class  valid_tag
 This class shows, whether a property of an order is valid. More...
struct  invert_tag< valid_tag >
struct  invert_tag< invalid_tag >
class  and_tag
 and_tag<valid_tag, valid_tag> -> valid_tag, otherwise invalid_tag. More...
struct  and_tag< valid_tag, valid_tag >
class  navigator_tag
 for iterator_category More...
class  equality_property
class  pbori_traits
 This class contains property definitions to be used in polybori classes. More...
class  pbori_traits< void >
class  pbori_traits< int >
class  pbori_traits< unsigned int >
class  pbori_traits< long int >
class  pbori_traits< std::set< ValueType > >
class  pbori_traits< std::vector< ValueType > >
class  pbori_binary_traits< OnlyType, OnlyType >
class  pbori_binary_traits
 This class contains property definitions related to two types to be used in polybori classes. More...
struct  manager_traits
struct  cudd_error_traits
class  TransformedSequence
 This class converts a sequence-like structure when iterating. More...
class  DegLexOrder
 This class defines ordering related functions. More...
class  DegRevLexAscOrder
 This class defines ordering related functions. More...
class  CApplyNodeFacade
 This template class defines a facade as a C++ interface for applying C-style functions to C-style structs, which represent decision diagrams. It is used to wrapp functions calls to raw pointers of the nodes and the context to an C++-style object. More...
class  CCuddDDFacade
 This template class defines a facade for decision diagrams. More...
class  CDDOperations
class  CNodeCounter
 This class defines CNodeCounter. More...
class  Interpreter
class  DerefProxy
class  dict
class  tuple
class  object
class  CErrorInfo
class  PBoRiError
 This class is used for polybori's exception handling. More...
class  PBoRiGenericError
 This template class is used for polybori's exception handling. More...
class  CFactoryBase
 This base class CFactoryBase is used for currying other constructors with a BoolePolyRing. More...
class  MonomialFactory
 This base class MonomialFactory is used for currying monomial constructors with a BoolePolyRing. More...
class  PolynomialFactory
 This base class PolynomialFactory is used for currying polynomial constructors with a BoolePolyRing. More...
class  SetFactory
 This base class SetFactory is used for currying set constructors with a BoolePolyRing. More...
class  VariableIndexException
class  VariableBlock
 This class defines a VariableBlock. More...
class  VariableFactory
 This base class VariableFactory is used for currying variable constructors with a BoolePolyRing. More...
class  handle_else
class  CCuddFirstIter
 This class defines an iterator over the first minimal term of a given ZDD node. More...
class  CCuddLastIter
 This class defines an iterator over the last minimal term of a given ZDD node. More...
class  CCuddNavigator
 This class defines an iterator for navigating through then and else branches of ZDDs. More...
class  CExpGenerator
struct  pbori_base< CExpIter< NaviType, ExpType > >
class  CExpIter
struct  pbori_base< CGenericIter< OrderType, NaviType, RefType > >
class  CGenericIter
struct  pbori_base< CReverseIter< OrderType, NaviType, RefType > >
class  CReverseIter
class  CAbstractStackBase
class  CWrappedStack
class  COrderedIter
class  CGenericOrderedIter
class  CGenericOrderedIter< OrderType, NavigatorType, BooleExponent >
class  CStackSelector
class  CTermGeneratorBase__< TermType, type_tag< BooleExponent > >
class  CTermGeneratorBase__< TermType, type_tag< CTypes::size_type > >
class  CTermGeneratorBase__< TermType, type_tag< CTypes::deg_type > >
class  CTermGeneratorBase__< TermType, type_tag< BooleMonomial > >
class  CTermGeneratorBase
class  CTermGenerator
class  CTermGenerator< BooleMonomial >
class  CTermIter
 This class defines an iterator for the monomials in a Boolean polynomial. More...
struct  cached_deg
class  cached_block_deg
class  CTermStackBase
 This class defines an iterator for the monomials in a Boolean polynomial. More...
class  CTermStack
 This class defines an iterator for the monomials in a Boolean polynomial. More...
class  CReverseTermStack
 This class defines an iterator for the monomials in a Boolean polynomial in reversed lexicographicxal order. More...
class  CDegStackCore< NavigatorType, invalid_tag, Category, BaseType >
 for pure degree stacks More...
class  CDegStackCore< NavigatorType, valid_tag, Category, BaseType >
 for block stacks More...
class  CDegStackBase< NavigatorType, valid_tag, BlockProperty, BaseType >
class  CDegStackBase< NavigatorType, invalid_tag, BlockProperty, BaseType >
class  CDegTermStack
class  CBlockTermStack
class  CVariableIter
 This template class defines an iterator for monomial types. More...
class  PBoRiOutIter
 This template class defines an output iterator which interprets assignments of indices as a change of given data wrt. a given binary operation. More...
class  UnaryOperatorTraits
class  UnaryOperatorTraits< ResultType(*)(ArgType)>
class  TransformedIterator
 This class defines the iterator of Trnasformed sequence. More...
class  LexOrder
 This class defines ordering related functions. More...
class  CLiteralCodes
 This template class defines enumerative codes for the string literals defined by the CStringLiterals class. More...
class  CStringLiteral
 This template class defines string literals corresponding to the codes enumerated in the class CLiteralCodes. More...
class  CBlockOrderingFacade
 This class implements block orderings for COrderingFacade. OrderType must inherit from COrderingFacade<OrderType>. More...
class  COrderingBase
class  COrderingFacade
 This class initialize the interface for orderings of CDynamicOrderBase for a given OrderType. OrderType must inherit from COrderingFacade<OrderType>. More...
class  COrderingTagsBase
class  CDegreeOrderingTags
class  CBlockDegreeOrderingTags
class  COrderingTags< lex_tag >
class  COrderingTags< dlex_tag >
class  COrderingTags< dp_asc_tag >
class  COrderingTags< block_dlex_tag >
class  COrderingTags< block_dp_asc_tag >
class  lex_tag
 Marker for lex ordering. More...
class  dlex_tag
 Marker for deg-lex ordering. More...
class  dp_asc_tag
 Marker for ascending deg-rev-lex ordering. More...
class  block_tag
 Marker for block orderings. More...
struct  order_traits_code< lex_tag >
struct  order_traits_code< dlex_tag >
struct  order_traits_code< dp_asc_tag >
struct  order_traits_code< block_dlex_tag >
struct  order_traits_code< block_dp_asc_tag >
class  order_traits< block_tag< BaseOrderTag > >
class  order_traits
class  lex_compare_predicate
 defines lexicographic comparison functor More...
class  COrderEnums
 This struct contains type definitions and enumerations to be used for order codes. More...
class  CErrorEnums
 This struct contains type definitions and enumerations to be used for error codes. More...
class  CCompareEnums
 This struct contains type definitions and enumerations to be used for comparisons. More...
class  CAuxTypes
 This struct contains auxiliary type definitions. More...
class  CTypes
 This struct contains type definitions to be used in library classes. More...
class  CCallbackFacade
 Variant for constant non-void member functions. More...
class  CCallbackFacade< Type, void, ArgType >
 Specialized variant for constant void member functions. More...
class  CCallbackWrapper
 This template class defines a functional, which wraps operator .*, which is the callback of a dynamic member function wrt. a given object. More...
class  CCuddCore
 This class prepares the CUDD's raw decision diagram manager structure for the use with instrinsive pointers. More...
class  CCuddInterface
 This class defines a C++ interface to CUDD's decicion diagram manager. More...
class  CMemberFunctionTraitsBase
 Axuiliary class. More...
class  CMemberFunctionTraits< ResultType(Type::*)()>
class  CMemberFunctionTraits< ResultType(Type::*)() const >
class  CMemberFunctionTraits< ResultType(Type::*)(ArgType)>
class  CMemberFunctionTraits< ResultType(Type::*)(ArgType) const >
class  MemberFunctionOperator
class  CVariableNames
class  WeakRingPtr
 This class defines WeakRingPtr. More...
class  dd_operations< CCuddNavigator >
class  push_back
 Accessing .push_back(). More...
class  change_idx
class  change_assign
 Accessing .changeAssign(). More...
class  change_assign< void, pbori_traits< void >::idx_type >
class  subset1_assign
 Accessing .subset1Assign(). More...
class  subset0_assign
 Accessing .subset1Assign(). More...
class  unite_assign
 Accessing .uniteAssign(). More...
class  project_ith< 0, NLEN >
class  project_ith< 1, NLEN >
class  project_ith< 2, NLEN >
class  project_ith< 3, NLEN >
class  dummy_iterator
 An iterator which virtually does nothing. More...
class  pbori_traits< dummy_iterator >
class  integral_constant
 integral_constant<int_type, NUM>()() returns NUM of int_type, instead of possibly arguments. integral_constant<int_type, NUM, other_type>()() returns conversion of NUM of int_type to other_type. More...
class  binary_composition
 Compose a binary function with two default constructable unary functions. More...
class  symmetric_composition
 Compose a binary function with a default constructable unary function for both arguments. More...
class  maximum_iteration
 Returns maximun of given argument and previous calls. More...
class  dd_add_assign
 Defines addition operation with assignment for decision diagrams. More...
class  times_indexed_var
 Defines multiplication operation with the idx-th variable. More...
class  append_indexed_divisor
 Defines multiplication (with assignment) with the idx-th variable. More...
class  inserts
 Accessing .insert(). More...
class  inserts< void, pbori_traits< void >::idx_type >
class  insert_assign
 Accessing .insertAssign(). More...
class  insert_assign< void, pbori_traits< void >::idx_type >
class  removes
 Accessing .remove(). More...
class  removes< void, pbori_traits< void >::idx_type >
class  remove_assign
 Accessing .removeAssign(). More...
class  remove_assign< void, pbori_traits< void >::idx_type >
class  insert_second_to_list
 Insert second argument to a given list. More...
class  is_same_type< Type, Type >
class  is_same_type
 This class tests whether two types equal. More...
class  is_valid
class  on_same_type< Type, Type, ThenType, ElseType >
class  on_same_type
 This class switches betweem two types, depending on equality of types. More...
class  internal_tag
 This class marks an internal part of a procedure. More...
class  type_tag
 This class marks a given type. More...
class  hashes
class  generate_index_map
class  sizes_less
 A functional for size comparisons. More...
class  reversed_iteration_adaptor
class  navigates
class  default_value
class  constant_binder_base
class  constant_binder2nd
class  constant_binder1st
class  default_binder_base
class  default_binder2nd
class  default_binder1st
class  variable_name
 Defines generic access to variable names. More...
class  mapped_new_node
class  get_node
class  dummy_data_type
class  bounded_restricted_term
class  EliminationDegreeAdder
class  AddEliminationDegree


namespace  groebner


typedef pbori_DdManager DdManager
typedef BoolePolyRing Ring
 convenience aliases
typedef BoolePolynomial Polynomial
typedef BooleVariable Variable
typedef BooleMonomial Monomial
typedef block_tag< dlex_tagblock_dlex_tag
 Marker for block deg-lex ordering.
typedef block_tag< dp_asc_tagblock_dp_asc_tag
 Marker for ascending block deg-rev-lex ordering.


enum  order_codes {
  lp = polybori ::COrderEnums::lp, dlex = polybori ::COrderEnums::dlex, dp_asc = polybori ::COrderEnums::dp_asc, block_dlex = polybori ::COrderEnums::block_dlex,
  block_dp_asc = polybori ::COrderEnums::block_dp_asc
 copy enums for convenience More...


CTypes::ostream_typeoperator<< (CTypes::ostream_type &os, const BooleConstant &rhs)
 Stream output operator.
BooleConstant operator+ (const BooleConstant &lhs, const BooleConstant &rhs)
BooleConstant operator- (const BooleConstant &lhs, const BooleConstant &rhs)
BooleConstant operator* (const BooleConstant &lhs, const BooleConstant &rhs)
BooleEnv::block_iterator block_begin (const BooleEnv::ring_type &ring)
 please use BooleEnv::ring()
BooleEnv::block_iterator block_end (const BooleEnv::ring_type &ring)
 Extract block data without exposing ordering stuff.
template<class RHSType>
BooleExponent operator+ (const BooleExponent &lhs, const RHSType &rhs)
 Multiplication of monomials.
template<class RHSType>
BooleExponent operator- (const BooleExponent &lhs, const RHSType &rhs)
 Division of monomials.
BooleExponent GCD (const BooleExponent &lhs, const BooleExponent &rhs)
 Compute the greatest common divisor of two monomials.
BooleExponent LCM (const BooleExponent &lhs, const BooleExponent &rhs)
 Compute the greatest common divisor of two monomials.
BooleExponent::ostream_typeoperator<< (BooleExponent::ostream_type &os, const BooleExponent &rhs)
 Stream output operator.
BooleMonomial operator* (const BooleMonomial &lhs, const BooleMonomial &rhs)
 Multiplication of monomials.
BooleMonomial operator* (const BooleMonomial &lhs, const BooleVariable &rhs)
 Multiplication of monomials.
BoolePolynomial operator* (const BooleMonomial &lhs, BooleConstant rhs)
 Multiplication of monomials.
BoolePolynomial operator* (BooleConstant lhs, const BooleMonomial &rhs)
 Multiplication of monomials.
BooleMonomial operator/ (const BooleMonomial &lhs, const BooleMonomial &rhs)
 Division of monomials.
BooleMonomial operator/ (const BooleMonomial &lhs, const BooleVariable &rhs)
 Division of monomials.
BooleMonomial::bool_type operator< (const BooleMonomial &lhs, const BooleMonomial &rhs)
 Less than comparision.
BooleMonomial::bool_type operator> (const BooleMonomial &lhs, const BooleMonomial &rhs)
 Greater than comparision.
BooleMonomial::bool_type operator<= (const BooleMonomial &lhs, const BooleMonomial &rhs)
 Less or equal than comparision.
BooleMonomial::bool_type operator>= (const BooleMonomial &lhs, const BooleMonomial &rhs)
 Greater or equal than comparision.
BooleMonomial GCD (const BooleMonomial &lhs, const BooleMonomial &rhs)
 Compute the greatest common divisor of two monomials.
BooleMonomial LCM (const BooleMonomial &lhs, const BooleMonomial &rhs)
 Compute the greatest common divisor of two monomials.
BoolePolynomial operator* (const BooleVariable &lhs, const BooleConstant &rhs)
 Multiplication of variables by a 0 or 1.
BoolePolynomial operator* (const BooleConstant &lhs, const BooleVariable &rhs)
 Multiplication of 0 or 1 by a Variable.
BoolePolynomial operator* (const BooleVariable &lhs, const BoolePolynomial &rhs)
 Multiplication of variables by a polynomial.
BooleMonomial operator* (const BooleVariable &lhs, const BooleMonomial &rhs)
 Multiplication of variables by a monomial.
BoolePolynomialoperator*= (BoolePolynomial &lhs, const BooleVariable &rhs)
 Multiplication of a polynomial by a variable with assignment.
BooleMonomial operator* (const BooleVariable &lhs, const BooleVariable &rhs)
 Multiplication of monomials by a polynomial.
BoolePolynomial operator* (const BoolePolynomial &lhs, const BooleVariable &rhs)
 Multiplication of a polynomial by a variable.
BoolePolynomial operator/ (const BoolePolynomial &lhs, const BooleVariable &rhs)
 Division of a polynomial by a variable (forcing monomial variant).
BoolePolynomial operator% (const BoolePolynomial &lhs, const BooleVariable &rhs)
 Remainder of division of a polynomial by a variable.
BoolePolynomial operator+ (const BoolePolynomial &lhs, const BoolePolynomial &rhs)
 Addition operation.
BoolePolynomial operator+ (const BoolePolynomial &lhs, BooleConstant rhs)
 Addition operation.
BoolePolynomial operator+ (BooleConstant lhs, const BoolePolynomial &rhs)
 Addition operation.
template<class RHSType>
BoolePolynomial operator- (const BoolePolynomial &lhs, const RHSType &rhs)
 Subtraction operation.
BoolePolynomial operator- (const BooleConstant &lhs, const BoolePolynomial &rhs)
 Subtraction operation with constant right-hand-side.
BoolePolynomial operator* (const BoolePolynomial &lhs, const BoolePolynomial &rhs)
BoolePolynomial operator* (const BoolePolynomial &lhs, const BooleMonomial &rhs)
BoolePolynomial operator* (const BoolePolynomial &lhs, const BooleExponent &rhs)
BoolePolynomial operator* (const BoolePolynomial &lhs, const BooleConstant &rhs)
BoolePolynomial operator* (const BooleMonomial &lhs, const BoolePolynomial &rhs)
BoolePolynomial operator* (const BooleExponent &lhs, const BoolePolynomial &rhs)
BoolePolynomial operator* (const BooleConstant &lhs, const BoolePolynomial &rhs)
template<class RHSType>
BoolePolynomial operator/ (const BoolePolynomial &lhs, const RHSType &rhs)
 Division by monomial (skipping remainder).
template<class RHSType>
BoolePolynomial operator% (const BoolePolynomial &lhs, const RHSType &rhs)
 Modulus monomial (division remainder).
BoolePolynomial::bool_type operator== (BoolePolynomial::bool_type lhs, const BoolePolynomial &rhs)
 Equality check (with constant lhs).
BoolePolynomial::bool_type operator!= (BoolePolynomial::bool_type lhs, const BoolePolynomial &rhs)
 Nonquality check (with constant lhs).
BoolePolynomial::ostream_typeoperator<< (BoolePolynomial::ostream_type &, const BoolePolynomial &)
 Stream output operator.
BoolePolyRing::ostream_typeoperator<< (BoolePolyRing::ostream_type &os, const BoolePolyRing &ring)
 Stream output operator.
BooleSet::ostream_typeoperator<< (BooleSet::ostream_type &os, const BooleSet &bset)
 Stream output operator.
BoolePolynomial operator/ (const BooleVariable &lhs, const BooleVariable &rhs)
template<class Data1, class Type1, class Data2, class Type2>
bool operator== (const CExtrusivePtr< Data1, Type1 > &lhs, const CExtrusivePtr< Data2, Type2 > &rhs)
 Equality check.
template<class Data1, class Type1, class Data2, class Type2>
bool operator!= (const CExtrusivePtr< Data1, Type1 > &lhs, const CExtrusivePtr< Data2, Type2 > &rhs)
 Nonequality check.
template<class Data1, class Type1, class Type2>
bool operator== (const CExtrusivePtr< Data1, Type1 > &lhs, Type2 *rhs)
 Equality check wrt. pointer.
template<class Data1, class Type1, class Type2>
bool operator!= (const CExtrusivePtr< Data1, Type1 > &lhs, Type2 *rhs)
 Nonequality check wrt. pointer.
template<class Type1, class Data2, class Type2>
bool operator== (Type1 *lhs, const CExtrusivePtr< Data2, Type2 > &rhs)
 Equality check from a pointer.
template<class Type1, class Data2, class Type2>
bool operator!= (Type1 *lhs, const CExtrusivePtr< Data2, Type2 > &rhs)
 Nonequality check from a pointer.
template<class DataType>
void extrusive_ptr_release (const DataType &data, DdNode *ptr)
 Releasing raw pointers to decision diagrams here.
template<class DataType>
void extrusive_ptr_add_ref (const DataType &, DdNode *ptr)
 Incrememting reference counts to raw pointers to decision diagrams.
object eval (str expression)
object exec (str code)
object exec_file (str filename)
void run (const char *code)
CCuddNavigator explicit_navigator_cast (CCuddNavigator::pointer_type ptr)
boost::shared_ptr< COrderingBaseget_ordering (CTypes::ordercode_type order)
template<class MemberFct>
MemberFunctionOperator< MemberFct > member_function_operator (MemberFct func)
template<class NaviType, class TermType, class TernaryOperator, class TerminalOperator>
TermType dd_backward_transform (NaviType navi, TermType init, TernaryOperator newNode, TerminalOperator terminate)
 Function templates for transforming decision diagrams.
template<class NaviType, class TermType, class OutIterator, class ThenBinaryOperator, class ElseBinaryOperator, class TerminalOperator>
OutIterator dd_transform (NaviType navi, TermType init, OutIterator result, ThenBinaryOperator then_binop, ElseBinaryOperator else_binop, TerminalOperator terminate)
 Function templates for transforming decision diagrams.
template<class NaviType, class TermType, class OutIterator, class ThenBinaryOperator, class ElseBinaryOperator, class TerminalOperator, class FirstTermOp>
OutIterator dd_transform (NaviType navi, TermType init, OutIterator result, ThenBinaryOperator then_binop, ElseBinaryOperator else_binop, TerminalOperator terminate, FirstTermOp terminate_first)
template<class NaviType, class TermType, class OutIterator, class ThenBinaryOperator, class ElseBinaryOperator>
void dd_transform (const NaviType &navi, const TermType &init, const OutIterator &result, const ThenBinaryOperator &then_binop, const ElseBinaryOperator &else_binop)
 Function templates for transforming decision diagrams.
template<class NaviType, class TermType, class OutIterator, class ThenBinaryOperator>
void dd_transform (const NaviType &navi, const TermType &init, const OutIterator &result, const ThenBinaryOperator &then_binop)
 Function templates for transforming decision diagrams.
template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class FirstFunction, class UnaryFunction>
OutputIterator special_first_transform (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, UnaryFunction op, FirstFunction firstop)
template<class InputIterator, class Intermediate, class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator reversed_inter_copy (InputIterator start, InputIterator finish, Intermediate &inter, OutputIterator output)
 Function templates doing a reversed copy using intermediate storage.
template<class NaviType>
bool dd_on_path (NaviType navi)
template<class NaviType, class OrderedIterator>
bool dd_owns_term_of_indices (NaviType navi, OrderedIterator start, OrderedIterator finish)
template<class NaviType, class OrderedIterator, class NodeOperation>
NaviType dd_intersect_some_index (NaviType navi, OrderedIterator start, OrderedIterator finish, NodeOperation newNode)
template<class NaviType>
void dd_print (NaviType navi)
 Function templates for debugging, prints dd indices and reference counts.
template<class IteratorType, class SizeType>
SizeType limited_distance (IteratorType start, IteratorType finish, SizeType limit)
template<class NaviType>
bool owns_one (NaviType navi)
 Test whether the empty set is included.
template<class CacheMgr, class NaviType, class SetType>
SetType dd_modulo_monomials (const CacheMgr &cache_mgr, NaviType navi, NaviType rhs, const SetType &init)
template<class CacheMgr, class ModMonCacheMgr, class NaviType, class SetType>
SetType dd_minimal_elements (const CacheMgr &cache_mgr, const ModMonCacheMgr &modmon_mgr, NaviType navi, const SetType &init)
 Get minimal elements with respect to inclusion.
template<class NaviType, class DDType>
DDType dd_minimal_elements (NaviType navi, DDType dd, DDType &multiples)
template<class MgrType>
const MgrType & get_mgr_core (const MgrType &rhs)
template<class ManagerType, class ReverseIterator, class MultReverseIterator, class DDBase>
DDBase cudd_generate_multiples (const ManagerType &mgr, ReverseIterator start, ReverseIterator finish, MultReverseIterator multStart, MultReverseIterator multFinish, type_tag< DDBase >)
 temporarily (needs to be more generic) (similar fct in CCuddDDFacade.h)
template<class ManagerType, class ReverseIterator, class DDBase>
DDBase cudd_generate_divisors (const ManagerType &mgr, ReverseIterator start, ReverseIterator finish, type_tag< DDBase >)
 temporarily (needs to be more generic) (similar fct in CCuddDDFacade.h)
template<class Iterator, class SizeType>
Iterator bounded_max_element (Iterator start, Iterator finish, SizeType bound)
template<class LhsType, class RhsType, class BinaryPredicate>
CTypes::comp_type generic_compare_3way (const LhsType &lhs, const RhsType &rhs, BinaryPredicate comp)
 defines lexicographic comparison for variable indices
template<class IteratorLike, class ForwardIteratorTag>
IteratorLike increment_iteratorlike (IteratorLike iter, ForwardIteratorTag)
template<class IteratorLike>
IteratorLike increment_iteratorlike (IteratorLike iter, navigator_tag)
template<class IteratorLike>
IteratorLike increment_iteratorlike (IteratorLike iter)
DdNode * pboriCuddZddUnionXor__ (DdManager *, DdNode *, DdNode *)
template<class MgrType, class NodeType>
NodeType pboriCuddZddUnionXor (MgrType zdd, NodeType P, NodeType Q)
template<class MgrType, class NodeType>
NodeType pboriCudd_zddUnionXor (MgrType dd, NodeType P, NodeType Q)
template<class NaviType>
bool dd_is_singleton (NaviType navi)
template<class NaviType, class BooleConstant>
BooleConstant dd_pair_check (NaviType navi, BooleConstant allowSingleton)
template<class NaviType>
bool dd_is_singleton_or_pair (NaviType navi)
template<class NaviType>
bool dd_is_pair (NaviType navi)
template<class SetType>
void combine_sizes (const SetType &bset, double &init)
template<class SetType>
void combine_sizes (const SetType &bset, typename SetType::size_type &init)
template<class SizeType, class IdxType, class NaviType, class SetType>
SizeType & count_index (SizeType &size, IdxType idx, NaviType navi, const SetType &init)
template<class SizeType, class IdxType, class SetType>
SizeType & count_index (SizeType &size, IdxType idx, const SetType &bset)
template<class InIter, class OutIter, class Object, class MemberFuncPtr>
OutIter transform (InIter start, InIter finish, OutIter result, Object &obj, MemberFuncPtr func)
template<class InIter, class Object, class MemberFuncPtr>
void for_each (InIter start, InIter finish, Object &obj, MemberFuncPtr func)
template<class InIter, class Object, class MemberFuncPtr>
void for_each (InIter start, InIter finish, const Object &obj, MemberFuncPtr func)
template<class Type, class Type1>
const Type & which (bool condition, const Type1 &value1, const Type &value)
template<class Type, class Type1, class Type2>
const Type & which (bool cond1, const Type1 &value1, bool cond2, const Type2 &value2, const Type &value)
template<class Type, class Type1, class Type2, class Type3>
const Type & which (bool cond1, const Type1 &value1, bool cond2, const Type2 &value2, bool cond3, const Type3 &value3, const Type &value)
template<class IDType, class Iterator>
bool same_rings (const IDType &id, Iterator start, Iterator finish)
template<class Iterator>
bool same_rings (Iterator start, Iterator finish)
void inc_ref (DdNode *node)
template<class NaviType>
void inc_ref (const NaviType &navi)
void dec_ref (DdNode *node)
template<class NaviType>
void dec_ref (const NaviType &navi)
DdNode * do_get_node (DdNode *node)
template<class NaviType>
DdNode * do_get_node (const NaviType &navi)
template<class MgrType>
void recursive_dec_ref (const MgrType &mgr, DdNode *node)
template<class MgrType, class NaviType>
void recursive_dec_ref (const MgrType &mgr, const NaviType &navi)
template<class NaviType, class ReverseIterator, class DDOperations>
NaviType indexed_term_multiples (NaviType navi, ReverseIterator idxStart, ReverseIterator idxFinish, const DDOperations &apply)
template<class NaviType>
bool is_reducible_by (NaviType first, NaviType second)
template<class NaviType, class ReverseIterator, class DDOperations>
NaviType minimal_of_two_terms (NaviType navi, NaviType &multiples, ReverseIterator idxStart, ReverseIterator idxFinish, const DDOperations &apply)
template<class NaviType, class SizeType, class ReverseIterator, class DDOperations>
NaviType prepend_multiples_wrt_indices (NaviType navi, SizeType minIdx, ReverseIterator start, ReverseIterator finish, const DDOperations &apply)
template<class FunctionType, class ManagerType, class NodeType>
void apply_assign_cudd_function (FunctionType func, ManagerType &mgr, NodeType &first, const NodeType &second)
template<class FunctionType, class ManagerType, class ResultType, class NodeType>
void apply_replacing_cudd_function (FunctionType func, ManagerType &mgr, ResultType &newNode, const NodeType &first, const NodeType &second)
template<class FunctionType, class ManagerType, class NodeType>
NodeType apply_cudd_function (FunctionType func, ManagerType &mgr, const NodeType &first, const NodeType &second)
template<class NaviType, class DDType2, class ReverseIterator, class DDOperations>
NaviType dd_minimal_elements (NaviType navi, DDType2 &multiples, ReverseIterator idxStart, ReverseIterator idxEnd, const DDOperations &apply)
BoolePolynomial spoly (const BoolePolynomial &first, const BoolePolynomial &second)
 Compute spoly of two polynomials.
template<class NaviType, class LowerIterator, class ValueType>
ValueType lower_term_accumulate (NaviType navi, LowerIterator lstart, LowerIterator lfinish, ValueType init)
template<class UpperIterator, class NaviType, class ValueType>
ValueType upper_term_accumulate (UpperIterator ustart, UpperIterator ufinish, NaviType navi, ValueType init)
template<class UpperIterator, class NaviType, class LowerIterator, class ValueType>
ValueType term_accumulate (UpperIterator ustart, UpperIterator ufinish, NaviType navi, LowerIterator lstart, LowerIterator lfinish, ValueType init)
template<class InputIterator, class ValueType>
ValueType term_accumulate (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, ValueType init)
 Routine for adding all terms given by iterators.
template<class CacheType, class NaviType, class SetType>
SetType dd_mapping (const CacheType &cache, NaviType navi, NaviType map, SetType init)
template<class PolyType, class MapType>
PolyType apply_mapping (const PolyType &poly, const MapType &map)
template<class MonomType, class PolyType>
PolyType generate_mapping (MonomType &fromVars, MonomType &toVars, PolyType init)
template<class PolyType, class MonomType>
PolyType mapping (PolyType poly, MonomType fromVars, MonomType toVars)
template<class MapType, class NaviType>
MapType::mapped_type dd_long_count_step (MapType &cache, NaviType navi)
 Other routines currently at external public header file pbori_algo.h.
template<class IntType, class NaviType>
IntType dd_long_count (NaviType navi)
 Function template for generically computing number of terms.
template<class IntType, class NaviType>
IntType dd_long_count_without_cache (NaviType navi)
template<class DDType, class OutputType>
OutputType dd_last_lexicographical_term (const DDType &dd, type_tag< OutputType >)
 Get last term (wrt. lexicographical order).
template<class HashType, class NaviType>
void stable_hash_range (HashType &seed, NaviType navi)
template<class NaviType>
std::size_t stable_hash_range (NaviType navi)
template<class HashType>
void finalize_term_hash (HashType &seed)
template<class HashType, class NaviType>
void stable_first_hash_range (HashType &seed, NaviType navi)
template<class NaviType>
std::size_t stable_first_hash_range (NaviType navi)
template<class HashType, class Iterator>
void stable_term_hash (HashType &seed, Iterator start, Iterator finish)
template<class Iterator>
std::size_t stable_term_hash (Iterator start, Iterator finish)
template<class Iterator>
Iterator::value_type index_vector_hash (Iterator start, Iterator finish)
template<class DegreeCacher, class NaviType>
NaviType::deg_type dd_cached_degree (const DegreeCacher &cache, NaviType navi)
template<class DegreeCacher, class NaviType, class SizeType>
NaviType::deg_type dd_cached_degree (const DegreeCacher &cache, NaviType navi, SizeType bound)
template<class Iterator, class NameGenerator, class Separator, class EmptySetType, class OStreamType>
void dd_print_term (Iterator start, Iterator finish, const NameGenerator &get_name, const Separator &sep, const EmptySetType &emptyset, OStreamType &os)
template<class TermType, class NameGenerator, class Separator, class EmptySetType, class OStreamType>
void dd_print_term (const TermType &term, const NameGenerator &get_name, const Separator &sep, const EmptySetType &emptyset, OStreamType &os)
template<class Iterator, class NameGenerator, class Separator, class InnerSeparator, class EmptySetType, class OStreamType>
void dd_print_terms (Iterator start, Iterator finish, const NameGenerator &get_name, const Separator &sep, const InnerSeparator &innersep, const EmptySetType &emptyset, OStreamType &os)
template<bool use_fast, class CacheType, class NaviType, class PolyType>
PolyType dd_multiply (const CacheType &cache_mgr, NaviType firstNavi, NaviType secondNavi, PolyType init)
template<class CacheType, class NaviType, class PolyType>
PolyType dd_multiply_recursively (const CacheType &cache_mgr, NaviType firstNavi, NaviType secondNavi, PolyType init)
template<class CacheType, class NaviType, class PolyType>
PolyType dd_multiply_recursively_monom (const CacheType &cache_mgr, NaviType monomNavi, NaviType navi, PolyType init)
template<class DDGenerator, class Iterator, class NaviType, class PolyType>
PolyType dd_multiply_recursively_exp (const DDGenerator &ddgen, Iterator start, Iterator finish, NaviType navi, PolyType init)
template<class DegCacheMgr, class NaviType, class SizeType>
bool max_degree_on_then (const DegCacheMgr &deg_mgr, NaviType navi, SizeType degree, valid_tag is_descending)
template<class DegCacheMgr, class NaviType, class SizeType>
bool max_degree_on_then (const DegCacheMgr &deg_mgr, NaviType navi, SizeType degree, invalid_tag non_descending)
template<class NaviType>
NaviType dd_get_constant (NaviType navi)
template<class CacheType, class DegCacheMgr, class NaviType, class TermType, class SizeType, class DescendingProperty>
TermType dd_recursive_degree_lead (const CacheType &cache_mgr, const DegCacheMgr &deg_mgr, NaviType navi, TermType init, SizeType degree, DescendingProperty prop)
template<class CacheType, class DegCacheMgr, class NaviType, class TermType, class DescendingProperty>
TermType dd_recursive_degree_lead (const CacheType &cache_mgr, const DegCacheMgr &deg_mgr, NaviType navi, TermType init, DescendingProperty prop)
template<class CacheType, class DegCacheMgr, class NaviType, class TermType, class SizeType, class DescendingProperty>
TermType & dd_recursive_degree_leadexp (const CacheType &cache_mgr, const DegCacheMgr &deg_mgr, NaviType navi, TermType &result, SizeType degree, DescendingProperty prop)
template<class CacheType, class DegCacheMgr, class NaviType, class TermType, class DescendingProperty>
TermType & dd_recursive_degree_leadexp (const CacheType &cache_mgr, const DegCacheMgr &deg_mgr, NaviType navi, TermType &result, DescendingProperty prop)
template<class CacheType, class NaviType, class TermType>
TermType dd_existential_abstraction (const CacheType &cache_mgr, NaviType varsNavi, NaviType navi, TermType init)
template<class CacheType, class NaviType, class PolyType>
PolyType dd_divide_recursively (const CacheType &cache_mgr, NaviType navi, NaviType monomNavi, PolyType init)
template<class DDGenerator, class Iterator, class NaviType, class PolyType>
PolyType dd_divide_recursively_exp (const DDGenerator &ddgen, NaviType navi, Iterator start, Iterator finish, PolyType init)
template<class CacheType, class NaviType, class MonomType>
MonomType cached_used_vars (const CacheType &cache, NaviType navi, MonomType init)
template<class NaviType, class Iterator>
bool dd_owns (NaviType navi, Iterator start, Iterator finish)
template<class NaviType, class MonomIterator>
bool dd_contains_divs_of_dec_deg (NaviType navi, MonomIterator start, MonomIterator finish)
template<class CacheType, class NaviType, class DegType, class SetType>
SetType dd_graded_part (const CacheType &cache, NaviType navi, DegType deg, SetType init)
template<class CacheManager, class NaviType, class SetType>
SetType dd_first_divisors_of (CacheManager cache_mgr, NaviType navi, NaviType rhsNavi, SetType init)
template<class CacheType, class NaviType, class SetType>
SetType dd_first_multiples_of (const CacheType &cache_mgr, NaviType navi, NaviType rhsNavi, SetType init)
template<class PolyType, class RingType, class MapType, class NaviType>
PolyType substitute_variables__ (const RingType &ring, const MapType &idx2poly, NaviType navi)
template<class RingType, class MapType, class PolyType>
PolyType substitute_variables (const RingType &ring, const MapType &idx2poly, const PolyType &poly)
template<class FirstIterator, class SecondIterator, class BinaryPredicate>
CTypes::comp_type lex_compare_3way (FirstIterator start, FirstIterator finish, SecondIterator rhs_start, SecondIterator rhs_finish, BinaryPredicate idx_comp)
template<class LhsType, class RhsType, class BinaryPredicate>
CTypes::comp_type lex_compare (const LhsType &lhs, const RhsType &rhs, BinaryPredicate idx_comp, valid_tag has_easy_equality_test)
 defines lexicographic comparison
template<class LhsType, class RhsType, class BinaryPredicate>
CTypes::comp_type lex_compare (const LhsType &lhs, const RhsType &rhs, BinaryPredicate idx_comp, invalid_tag has_no_easy_equality_test)
 defines lexicographic comparison
template<class LhsType, class RhsType, class BinaryPredicate>
CTypes::comp_type lex_compare (const LhsType &lhs, const RhsType &rhs, BinaryPredicate idx_comp)
 defines lexicographic comparison
template<class LhsType, class RhsType, class BinaryPredicate>
CTypes::comp_type deg_lex_compare (const LhsType &lhs, const RhsType &rhs, BinaryPredicate idx_comp)
 defines degree-lexicographic comparison
template<class StackType, class Iterator>
void dummy_append (StackType &stack, Iterator start, Iterator finish)
template<class DegreeCacher, class NaviType, class IdxType>
NaviType::deg_type dd_cached_block_degree (const DegreeCacher &cache, NaviType navi, IdxType nextBlock)
template<class DegCacheMgr, class NaviType, class IdxType, class SizeType>
bool max_block_degree_on_then (const DegCacheMgr &deg_mgr, NaviType navi, IdxType next_block, SizeType degree, valid_tag is_descending)
template<class DegCacheMgr, class NaviType, class IdxType, class SizeType>
bool max_block_degree_on_then (const DegCacheMgr &deg_mgr, NaviType navi, IdxType next_block, SizeType degree, invalid_tag non_descending)
template<class CacheType, class DegCacheMgr, class NaviType, class TermType, class Iterator, class SizeType, class DescendingProperty>
TermType dd_block_degree_lead (const CacheType &cache_mgr, const DegCacheMgr &deg_mgr, NaviType navi, Iterator block_iter, TermType init, SizeType degree, DescendingProperty prop)
template<class CacheType, class DegCacheMgr, class NaviType, class Iterator, class TermType, class DescendingProperty>
TermType dd_block_degree_lead (const CacheType &cache_mgr, const DegCacheMgr &deg_mgr, NaviType navi, Iterator block_iter, TermType init, DescendingProperty prop)
template<class FirstIterator, class SecondIterator, class IdxType, class BinaryPredicate>
CTypes::comp_type restricted_lex_compare_3way (FirstIterator start, FirstIterator finish, SecondIterator rhs_start, SecondIterator rhs_finish, IdxType max_index, BinaryPredicate idx_comp)
template<class LhsIterator, class RhsIterator, class Iterator, class BinaryPredicate>
CTypes::comp_type block_dlex_compare (LhsIterator lhsStart, LhsIterator lhsFinish, RhsIterator rhsStart, RhsIterator rhsFinish, Iterator start, Iterator finish, BinaryPredicate idx_comp)
template<class IdxType, class Iterator, class BinaryPredicate>
CTypes::comp_type block_deg_lex_idx_compare (IdxType lhs, IdxType rhs, Iterator start, Iterator finish, BinaryPredicate idx_comp)
template<class ExpType, class RhsType, class ResultType>
void exp_divide (const ExpType &lhs, const RhsType &rhs, ResultType &result)
template<class ExpType, class RhsIterator, class SizeType, class ResultType>
void exp_multiply (const ExpType &lhs, RhsIterator start, RhsIterator finish, SizeType nlen, ResultType &result)
template<class ExpType, class RhsType, class ResultType>
void exp_multiply (const ExpType &lhs, const RhsType &rhs, ResultType &result)
FILE * fmemopen (void *buf, size_t size, const char *opentype)
template<class CacheType, class NaviType, class DDType>
DDType dd_lex_lead (const CacheType &cache, NaviType navi, const DDType &init)
Prepare for the application of intrinsive pointers
void intrusive_ptr_add_ref (CCuddCore *pCore)
 Increment reference count.
void intrusive_ptr_release (CCuddCore *pCore)
 Release current pointer by decrementing reference counting.

Typedef Documentation

Marker for block deg-lex ordering.

Marker for ascending block deg-rev-lex ordering.

typedef pbori_DdManager polybori::DdManager

convenience aliases

Enumeration Type Documentation

copy enums for convenience


Function Documentation

template<class FunctionType, class ManagerType, class NodeType>
void polybori::apply_assign_cudd_function ( FunctionType  func,
ManagerType &  mgr,
NodeType &  first,
const NodeType &  second 
) [inline]

template<class FunctionType, class ManagerType, class NodeType>
NodeType polybori::apply_cudd_function ( FunctionType  func,
ManagerType &  mgr,
const NodeType &  first,
const NodeType &  second 
) [inline]

template<class PolyType, class MapType>
PolyType polybori::apply_mapping ( const PolyType &  poly,
const MapType &  map 
) [inline]

References dd_mapping().

Referenced by mapping().

template<class FunctionType, class ManagerType, class ResultType, class NodeType>
void polybori::apply_replacing_cudd_function ( FunctionType  func,
ManagerType &  mgr,
ResultType &  newNode,
const NodeType &  first,
const NodeType &  second 
) [inline]

BooleEnv::block_iterator polybori::block_begin ( const BooleEnv::ring_type &  ring  ) 

please use BooleEnv::ring()

Extract block data without exposing ordering stuff.

Extract block data without exposing ordering stuff

References polybori::BoolePolyRing::ordering().

template<class IdxType, class Iterator, class BinaryPredicate>
CTypes::comp_type polybori::block_deg_lex_idx_compare ( IdxType  lhs,
IdxType  rhs,
Iterator  start,
Iterator  finish,
BinaryPredicate  idx_comp 
) [inline]

: no necessary for block_dlex, only for block_dp_asc

References generic_compare_3way(), PBORI_ASSERT, and PBORI_UNLIKELY.

Referenced by polybori::BlockDegRevLexAscOrder::compare().

template<class LhsIterator, class RhsIterator, class Iterator, class BinaryPredicate>
CTypes::comp_type polybori::block_dlex_compare ( LhsIterator  lhsStart,
LhsIterator  lhsFinish,
RhsIterator  rhsStart,
RhsIterator  rhsFinish,
Iterator  start,
Iterator  finish,
BinaryPredicate  idx_comp 
) [inline]

BooleEnv::block_iterator polybori::block_end ( const BooleEnv::ring_type &  ring  ) 

Extract block data without exposing ordering stuff.

References polybori::BoolePolyRing::ordering().

template<class Iterator, class SizeType>
Iterator polybori::bounded_max_element ( Iterator  start,
Iterator  finish,
SizeType  bound 
) [inline]

template<class CacheType, class NaviType, class MonomType>
MonomType polybori::cached_used_vars ( const CacheType &  cache,
NaviType  navi,
MonomType  init 
) [inline]

Function templates for determining the used variables of a decision diagram with the help of cache

Referenced by polybori::CDDOperations< DDType, MonomType >::usedVariables().

template<class SetType>
void polybori::combine_sizes ( const SetType &  bset,
typename SetType::size_type &  init 
) [inline]

Referenced by count_index().

template<class SetType>
void polybori::combine_sizes ( const SetType &  bset,
double &  init 
) [inline]

template<class SizeType, class IdxType, class SetType>
SizeType& polybori::count_index ( SizeType &  size,
IdxType  idx,
const SetType &  bset 
) [inline]

Referenced by count_index().

template<class SizeType, class IdxType, class NaviType, class SetType>
SizeType& polybori::count_index ( SizeType &  size,
IdxType  idx,
NaviType  navi,
const SetType &  init 
) [inline]

template<class ManagerType, class ReverseIterator, class DDBase>
DDBase polybori::cudd_generate_divisors ( const ManagerType &  mgr,
ReverseIterator  start,
ReverseIterator  finish,
type_tag< DDBase >   
) [inline]

template<class ManagerType, class ReverseIterator, class MultReverseIterator, class DDBase>
DDBase polybori::cudd_generate_multiples ( const ManagerType &  mgr,
ReverseIterator  start,
ReverseIterator  finish,
MultReverseIterator  multStart,
MultReverseIterator  multFinish,
type_tag< DDBase >   
) [inline]

template<class NaviType, class TermType, class TernaryOperator, class TerminalOperator>
TermType polybori::dd_backward_transform ( NaviType  navi,
TermType  init,
TernaryOperator  newNode,
TerminalOperator  terminate 
) [inline]

Function templates for transforming decision diagrams.

Referenced by polybori::groebner::translate_indices().

template<class CacheType, class DegCacheMgr, class NaviType, class Iterator, class TermType, class DescendingProperty>
TermType polybori::dd_block_degree_lead ( const CacheType &  cache_mgr,
const DegCacheMgr &  deg_mgr,
NaviType  navi,
Iterator  block_iter,
TermType  init,
DescendingProperty  prop 
) [inline]

template<class CacheType, class DegCacheMgr, class NaviType, class TermType, class Iterator, class SizeType, class DescendingProperty>
TermType polybori::dd_block_degree_lead ( const CacheType &  cache_mgr,
const DegCacheMgr &  deg_mgr,
NaviType  navi,
Iterator  block_iter,
TermType  init,
SizeType  degree,
DescendingProperty  prop 
) [inline]

template<class DegreeCacher, class NaviType, class IdxType>
NaviType::deg_type polybori::dd_cached_block_degree ( const DegreeCacher &  cache,
NaviType  navi,
IdxType  nextBlock 
) [inline]

Function templates for determining the degree of a decision diagram with the help of cache (e. g. CDegreeCache)

Referenced by dd_block_degree_lead(), max_block_degree_on_then(), and polybori::cached_block_deg< NavigatorType >::operator()().

template<class DegreeCacher, class NaviType, class SizeType>
NaviType::deg_type polybori::dd_cached_degree ( const DegreeCacher &  cache,
NaviType  navi,
SizeType  bound 
) [inline]

Function templates for determining the degree of a decision diagram with the help of cache (e. g. CDegreeCache) Variant *with* given upper bound Assumming that the bound is valid!

References PBORI_ASSERT.

Referenced by dd_cached_degree(), dd_recursive_degree_lead(), dd_recursive_degree_leadexp(), max_degree_on_then(), and polybori::cached_deg< NavigatorType >::operator()().

template<class DegreeCacher, class NaviType>
NaviType::deg_type polybori::dd_cached_degree ( const DegreeCacher &  cache,
NaviType  navi 
) [inline]

Function templates for determining the degree of a decision diagram with the help of cache (e. g. CDegreeCache)

References dd_cached_degree().

Referenced by polybori::BoolePolynomial::deg(), polybori::DegRevLexAscOrder::lead(), polybori::DegLexOrder::lead(), polybori::DegRevLexAscOrder::leadExp(), and polybori::DegLexOrder::leadExp().

template<class NaviType, class MonomIterator>
bool polybori::dd_contains_divs_of_dec_deg ( NaviType  navi,
MonomIterator  start,
MonomIterator  finish 
) [inline]

Test whether a set of monomials contains all divisors of degree - 1 of a given monomial

References dd_owns(), and owns_one().

Referenced by polybori::BooleSet::containsDivisorsOfDecDeg().

template<class CacheType, class NaviType, class PolyType>
PolyType polybori::dd_divide_recursively ( const CacheType &  cache_mgr,
NaviType  navi,
NaviType  monomNavi,
PolyType  init 
) [inline]

References PBORI_ASSERT.

Referenced by polybori::BooleSet::divide().

template<class DDGenerator, class Iterator, class NaviType, class PolyType>
PolyType polybori::dd_divide_recursively_exp ( const DDGenerator &  ddgen,
NaviType  navi,
Iterator  start,
Iterator  finish,
PolyType  init 
) [inline]

template<class CacheType, class NaviType, class TermType>
TermType polybori::dd_existential_abstraction ( const CacheType &  cache_mgr,
NaviType  varsNavi,
NaviType  navi,
TermType  init 
) [inline]

template<class CacheManager, class NaviType, class SetType>
SetType polybori::dd_first_divisors_of ( CacheManager  cache_mgr,
NaviType  navi,
NaviType  rhsNavi,
SetType  init 
) [inline]

Function templates extracting the terms of a given decision diagram contain which contains only indices from first lexicographical path in Note: Replacement for dd_intersect_some_index

References PBORI_ASSERT.

Referenced by polybori::BooleSet::firstDivisorsOf().

template<class CacheType, class NaviType, class SetType>
SetType polybori::dd_first_multiples_of ( const CacheType &  cache_mgr,
NaviType  navi,
NaviType  rhsNavi,
SetType  init 
) [inline]

References PBORI_ASSERT.

Referenced by polybori::BooleSet::multiplesOf().

template<class NaviType>
NaviType polybori::dd_get_constant ( NaviType  navi  )  [inline]

template<class CacheType, class NaviType, class DegType, class SetType>
SetType polybori::dd_graded_part ( const CacheType &  cache,
NaviType  navi,
DegType  deg,
SetType  init 
) [inline]

template<class NaviType, class OrderedIterator, class NodeOperation>
NaviType polybori::dd_intersect_some_index ( NaviType  navi,
OrderedIterator  start,
OrderedIterator  finish,
NodeOperation  newNode 
) [inline]

Function templates extracting the terms of a given decision diagram contain which contains only indices from the range [start, finish) Note: Returns incremented node

template<class NaviType>
bool polybori::dd_is_pair ( NaviType  navi  )  [inline]

template<class NaviType>
bool polybori::dd_is_singleton ( NaviType  navi  )  [inline]

template<class NaviType>
bool polybori::dd_is_singleton_or_pair ( NaviType  navi  )  [inline]

template<class DDType, class OutputType>
OutputType polybori::dd_last_lexicographical_term ( const DDType &  dd,
type_tag< OutputType >   
) [inline]

Get last term (wrt. lexicographical order).

References PBORI_ASSERT, and reversed_inter_copy().

Referenced by polybori::BooleSet::lastLexicographicalTerm().

template<class CacheType, class NaviType, class DDType>
DDType polybori::dd_lex_lead ( const CacheType &  cache,
NaviType  navi,
const DDType &  init 
) [inline]

template<class IntType, class NaviType>
IntType polybori::dd_long_count ( NaviType  navi  )  [inline]

Function template for generically computing number of terms.

References dd_long_count_step().

template<class MapType, class NaviType>
MapType::mapped_type polybori::dd_long_count_step ( MapType &  cache,
NaviType  navi 
) [inline]

Other routines currently at external public header file pbori_algo.h.

Function template

Referenced by dd_long_count().

template<class IntType, class NaviType>
IntType polybori::dd_long_count_without_cache ( NaviType  navi  )  [inline]

template<class CacheType, class NaviType, class SetType>
SetType polybori::dd_mapping ( const CacheType &  cache,
NaviType  navi,
NaviType  map,
SetType  init 
) [inline]

References PBORI_ASSERT.

Referenced by apply_mapping().

template<class NaviType, class DDType2, class ReverseIterator, class DDOperations>
NaviType polybori::dd_minimal_elements ( NaviType  navi,
DDType2 &  multiples,
ReverseIterator  idxStart,
ReverseIterator  idxEnd,
const DDOperations &  apply 
) [inline]

A first version Function templates extracting minimal elements of dd wrt. inclusion Assumption, navi is navigator of dd

References inc_ref(), indexed_term_multiples(), is_reducible_by(), minimal_of_two_terms(), and prepend_multiples_wrt_indices().

Referenced by dd_minimal_elements().

template<class NaviType, class DDType>
DDType polybori::dd_minimal_elements ( NaviType  navi,
DDType  dd,
DDType &  multiples 
) [inline]

A first version Function templates extracting minimal elements of dd wrt. inclusion Assumption, navi is navigator of dd

References dd_minimal_elements().

template<class CacheMgr, class ModMonCacheMgr, class NaviType, class SetType>
SetType polybori::dd_minimal_elements ( const CacheMgr &  cache_mgr,
const ModMonCacheMgr &  modmon_mgr,
NaviType  navi,
const SetType &  init 
) [inline]

Get minimal elements with respect to inclusion.

References dd_minimal_elements(), dd_modulo_monomials(), and owns_one().

Referenced by polybori::BooleSet::minimalElements().

template<class CacheMgr, class NaviType, class SetType>
SetType polybori::dd_modulo_monomials ( const CacheMgr &  cache_mgr,
NaviType  navi,
NaviType  rhs,
const SetType &  init 
) [inline]

template<bool use_fast, class CacheType, class NaviType, class PolyType>
PolyType polybori::dd_multiply ( const CacheType &  cache_mgr,
NaviType  firstNavi,
NaviType  secondNavi,
PolyType  init 
) [inline]

template<class CacheType, class NaviType, class PolyType>
PolyType polybori::dd_multiply_recursively ( const CacheType &  cache_mgr,
NaviType  firstNavi,
NaviType  secondNavi,
PolyType  init 
) [inline]

template<class DDGenerator, class Iterator, class NaviType, class PolyType>
PolyType polybori::dd_multiply_recursively_exp ( const DDGenerator &  ddgen,
Iterator  start,
Iterator  finish,
NaviType  navi,
PolyType  init 
) [inline]

template<class CacheType, class NaviType, class PolyType>
PolyType polybori::dd_multiply_recursively_monom ( const CacheType &  cache_mgr,
NaviType  monomNavi,
NaviType  navi,
PolyType  init 
) [inline]

template<class NaviType>
bool polybori::dd_on_path ( NaviType  navi  )  [inline]

Function templates for checking whether a given decision diagram node is on path

template<class NaviType, class Iterator>
bool polybori::dd_owns ( NaviType  navi,
Iterator  start,
Iterator  finish 
) [inline]

template<class NaviType, class OrderedIterator>
bool polybori::dd_owns_term_of_indices ( NaviType  navi,
OrderedIterator  start,
OrderedIterator  finish 
) [inline]

Function templates for checking whether a given decision diagram contains paths with indices only in range [start, finish)

Referenced by polybori::BooleSet::hasTermOfVariables().

template<class NaviType, class BooleConstant>
BooleConstant polybori::dd_pair_check ( NaviType  navi,
BooleConstant  allowSingleton 
) [inline]

References dd_is_singleton().

Referenced by dd_is_pair(), and dd_is_singleton_or_pair().

template<class NaviType>
void polybori::dd_print ( NaviType  navi  )  [inline]

Function templates for debugging, prints dd indices and reference counts.

References PBORI_PREFIX.

template<class TermType, class NameGenerator, class Separator, class EmptySetType, class OStreamType>
void polybori::dd_print_term ( const TermType &  term,
const NameGenerator &  get_name,
const Separator &  sep,
const EmptySetType &  emptyset,
OStreamType &  os 
) [inline]

Referenced by dd_print_terms().

template<class Iterator, class NameGenerator, class Separator, class EmptySetType, class OStreamType>
void polybori::dd_print_term ( Iterator  start,
Iterator  finish,
const NameGenerator &  get_name,
const Separator &  sep,
const EmptySetType &  emptyset,
OStreamType &  os 
) [inline]

template<class Iterator, class NameGenerator, class Separator, class InnerSeparator, class EmptySetType, class OStreamType>
void polybori::dd_print_terms ( Iterator  start,
Iterator  finish,
const NameGenerator &  get_name,
const Separator &  sep,
const InnerSeparator &  innersep,
const EmptySetType &  emptyset,
OStreamType &  os 
) [inline]

template<class CacheType, class DegCacheMgr, class NaviType, class TermType, class DescendingProperty>
TermType polybori::dd_recursive_degree_lead ( const CacheType &  cache_mgr,
const DegCacheMgr &  deg_mgr,
NaviType  navi,
TermType  init,
DescendingProperty  prop 
) [inline]

References dd_cached_degree().

Referenced by dd_recursive_degree_lead().

template<class CacheType, class DegCacheMgr, class NaviType, class TermType, class SizeType, class DescendingProperty>
TermType polybori::dd_recursive_degree_lead ( const CacheType &  cache_mgr,
const DegCacheMgr &  deg_mgr,
NaviType  navi,
TermType  init,
SizeType  degree,
DescendingProperty  prop 
) [inline]

caching deactivated - wrong results might pollute the cache


References dd_get_constant(), dd_recursive_degree_lead(), max_degree_on_then(), and PBORI_UNLIKELY.

Referenced by polybori::DegRevLexAscOrder::lead(), and polybori::DegLexOrder::lead().

template<class CacheType, class DegCacheMgr, class NaviType, class TermType, class DescendingProperty>
TermType& polybori::dd_recursive_degree_leadexp ( const CacheType &  cache_mgr,
const DegCacheMgr &  deg_mgr,
NaviType  navi,
TermType &  result,
DescendingProperty  prop 
) [inline]

template<class CacheType, class DegCacheMgr, class NaviType, class TermType, class SizeType, class DescendingProperty>
TermType& polybori::dd_recursive_degree_leadexp ( const CacheType &  cache_mgr,
const DegCacheMgr &  deg_mgr,
NaviType  navi,
TermType &  result,
SizeType  degree,
DescendingProperty  prop 
) [inline]

template<class NaviType, class TermType, class OutIterator, class ThenBinaryOperator>
void polybori::dd_transform ( const NaviType &  navi,
const TermType &  init,
const OutIterator &  result,
const ThenBinaryOperator &  then_binop 
) [inline]

Function templates for transforming decision diagrams.

Referenced by dd_transform().

template<class NaviType, class TermType, class OutIterator, class ThenBinaryOperator, class ElseBinaryOperator>
void polybori::dd_transform ( const NaviType &  navi,
const TermType &  init,
const OutIterator &  result,
const ThenBinaryOperator &  then_binop,
const ElseBinaryOperator &  else_binop 
) [inline]

Function templates for transforming decision diagrams.

References dd_transform().

template<class NaviType, class TermType, class OutIterator, class ThenBinaryOperator, class ElseBinaryOperator, class TerminalOperator, class FirstTermOp>
OutIterator polybori::dd_transform ( NaviType  navi,
TermType  init,
OutIterator  result,
ThenBinaryOperator  then_binop,
ElseBinaryOperator  else_binop,
TerminalOperator  terminate,
FirstTermOp  terminate_first 
) [inline]

Function templates for transforming decision diagrams with special treatment of the leading term

References dd_transform().

template<class NaviType, class TermType, class OutIterator, class ThenBinaryOperator, class ElseBinaryOperator, class TerminalOperator>
OutIterator polybori::dd_transform ( NaviType  navi,
TermType  init,
OutIterator  result,
ThenBinaryOperator  then_binop,
ElseBinaryOperator  else_binop,
TerminalOperator  terminate 
) [inline]

Function templates for transforming decision diagrams.

References dd_transform().

template<class NaviType>
void polybori::dec_ref ( const NaviType &  navi  )  [inline]

void polybori::dec_ref ( DdNode *  node  )  [inline]

References Cudd_Deref, and PBORI_PREFIX.

template<class LhsType, class RhsType, class BinaryPredicate>
CTypes::comp_type polybori::deg_lex_compare ( const LhsType &  lhs,
const RhsType &  rhs,
BinaryPredicate  idx_comp 
) [inline]

defines degree-lexicographic comparison

References generic_compare_3way(), and lex_compare().

Referenced by polybori::DegRevLexAscOrder::compare(), and polybori::DegLexOrder::compare().

template<class NaviType>
DdNode* polybori::do_get_node ( const NaviType &  navi  )  [inline]

DdNode* polybori::do_get_node ( DdNode *  node  )  [inline]

template<class StackType, class Iterator>
void polybori::dummy_append ( StackType &  stack,
Iterator  start,
Iterator  finish 
) [inline]

object polybori::eval ( str  expression  )  [inline]

object polybori::exec ( str  code  )  [inline]

object polybori::exec_file ( str  filename  )  [inline]

template<class ExpType, class RhsType, class ResultType>
void polybori::exp_divide ( const ExpType &  lhs,
const RhsType &  rhs,
ResultType &  result 
) [inline]

template<class ExpType, class RhsType, class ResultType>
void polybori::exp_multiply ( const ExpType &  lhs,
const RhsType &  rhs,
ResultType &  result 
) [inline]

References exp_multiply().

template<class ExpType, class RhsIterator, class SizeType, class ResultType>
void polybori::exp_multiply ( const ExpType &  lhs,
RhsIterator  start,
RhsIterator  finish,
SizeType  nlen,
ResultType &  result 
) [inline]

CCuddNavigator polybori::explicit_navigator_cast ( CCuddNavigator::pointer_type  ptr  )  [inline]

template<class DataType>
void polybori::extrusive_ptr_add_ref ( const DataType &  ,
DdNode *  ptr 
) [inline]

Incrememting reference counts to raw pointers to decision diagrams.

References Cudd_Ref, and PBORI_PREFIX.

Referenced by polybori::CExtrusivePtr< ring_type, node_type >::lock().

template<class DataType>
void polybori::extrusive_ptr_release ( const DataType &  data,
DdNode *  ptr 
) [inline]

Releasing raw pointers to decision diagrams here.

References Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd, and PBORI_PREFIX.

Referenced by polybori::CExtrusivePtr< ring_type, node_type >::release().

template<class HashType>
void polybori::finalize_term_hash ( HashType &  seed  )  [inline]

FILE* polybori::fmemopen ( void *  buf,
size_t  size,
const char *  opentype 

References PBORI_ASSERT.

template<class InIter, class Object, class MemberFuncPtr>
void polybori::for_each ( InIter  start,
InIter  finish,
const Object &  obj,
MemberFuncPtr  func 
) [inline]

template<class InIter, class Object, class MemberFuncPtr>
void polybori::for_each ( InIter  start,
InIter  finish,
Object &  obj,
MemberFuncPtr  func 
) [inline]

BooleMonomial polybori::GCD ( const BooleMonomial &  lhs,
const BooleMonomial &  rhs 
) [inline]

Compute the greatest common divisor of two monomials.

References polybori::BooleMonomial::GCD().

BooleExponent polybori::GCD ( const BooleExponent &  lhs,
const BooleExponent &  rhs 
) [inline]

Compute the greatest common divisor of two monomials.

References polybori::BooleExponent::GCD().

template<class MonomType, class PolyType>
PolyType polybori::generate_mapping ( MonomType &  fromVars,
MonomType &  toVars,
PolyType  init 
) [inline]

References PBORI_ASSERT.

Referenced by mapping().

template<class LhsType, class RhsType, class BinaryPredicate>
CTypes::comp_type polybori::generic_compare_3way ( const LhsType &  lhs,
const RhsType &  rhs,
BinaryPredicate  comp 
) [inline]

template<class MgrType>
const MgrType& polybori::get_mgr_core ( const MgrType &  rhs  )  [inline]

boost::shared_ptr<COrderingBase> polybori::get_ordering ( CTypes::ordercode_type  order  )  [inline]

template<class NaviType>
void polybori::inc_ref ( const NaviType &  navi  )  [inline]

void polybori::inc_ref ( DdNode *  node  )  [inline]

References Cudd_Ref, and PBORI_PREFIX.

template<class IteratorLike>
IteratorLike polybori::increment_iteratorlike ( IteratorLike  iter  )  [inline]

template<class IteratorLike>
IteratorLike polybori::increment_iteratorlike ( IteratorLike  iter,
) [inline]

template<class IteratorLike, class ForwardIteratorTag>
IteratorLike polybori::increment_iteratorlike ( IteratorLike  iter,
) [inline]

template<class Iterator>
Iterator::value_type polybori::index_vector_hash ( Iterator  start,
Iterator  finish 
) [inline]

template<class NaviType, class ReverseIterator, class DDOperations>
NaviType polybori::indexed_term_multiples ( NaviType  navi,
ReverseIterator  idxStart,
ReverseIterator  idxFinish,
const DDOperations &  apply 
) [inline]

References inc_ref().

Referenced by dd_minimal_elements(), and minimal_of_two_terms().

void polybori::intrusive_ptr_add_ref ( CCuddCore *  pCore  )  [inline]

Increment reference count.

References polybori::CCuddCore::addRef().

void polybori::intrusive_ptr_release ( CCuddCore *  pCore  )  [inline]

Release current pointer by decrementing reference counting.

References polybori::CCuddCore::release().

template<class NaviType>
bool polybori::is_reducible_by ( NaviType  first,
NaviType  second 
) [inline]

Referenced by dd_minimal_elements().

BooleMonomial polybori::LCM ( const BooleMonomial &  lhs,
const BooleMonomial &  rhs 
) [inline]

Compute the greatest common divisor of two monomials.

References polybori::BooleMonomial::LCM().

BooleExponent polybori::LCM ( const BooleExponent &  lhs,
const BooleExponent &  rhs 
) [inline]

Compute the greatest common divisor of two monomials.

References polybori::BooleExponent::LCM().

template<class LhsType, class RhsType, class BinaryPredicate>
CTypes::comp_type polybori::lex_compare ( const LhsType &  lhs,
const RhsType &  rhs,
BinaryPredicate  idx_comp 
) [inline]

defines lexicographic comparison

Referenced by deg_lex_compare().

template<class LhsType, class RhsType, class BinaryPredicate>
CTypes::comp_type polybori::lex_compare ( const LhsType &  lhs,
const RhsType &  rhs,
BinaryPredicate  idx_comp,
invalid_tag  has_no_easy_equality_test 
) [inline]

defines lexicographic comparison

References lex_compare_3way().

template<class LhsType, class RhsType, class BinaryPredicate>
CTypes::comp_type polybori::lex_compare ( const LhsType &  lhs,
const RhsType &  rhs,
BinaryPredicate  idx_comp,
valid_tag  has_easy_equality_test 
) [inline]

defines lexicographic comparison

References lex_compare_3way().

Referenced by polybori::LexOrder::compare().

template<class FirstIterator, class SecondIterator, class BinaryPredicate>
CTypes::comp_type polybori::lex_compare_3way ( FirstIterator  start,
FirstIterator  finish,
SecondIterator  rhs_start,
SecondIterator  rhs_finish,
BinaryPredicate  idx_comp 
) [inline]

Referenced by lex_compare().

template<class IteratorType, class SizeType>
SizeType polybori::limited_distance ( IteratorType  start,
IteratorType  finish,
SizeType  limit 
) [inline]

template<class NaviType, class LowerIterator, class ValueType>
ValueType polybori::lower_term_accumulate ( NaviType  navi,
LowerIterator  lstart,
LowerIterator  lfinish,
ValueType  init 
) [inline]

Maybe recursive caching is efficient here.

References polybori::BooleSet::change(), and PBORI_ASSERT.

Referenced by term_accumulate().

template<class PolyType, class MonomType>
PolyType polybori::mapping ( PolyType  poly,
MonomType  fromVars,
MonomType  toVars 
) [inline]

template<class DegCacheMgr, class NaviType, class IdxType, class SizeType>
bool polybori::max_block_degree_on_then ( const DegCacheMgr &  deg_mgr,
NaviType  navi,
IdxType  next_block,
SizeType  degree,
invalid_tag  non_descending 
) [inline]

template<class DegCacheMgr, class NaviType, class IdxType, class SizeType>
bool polybori::max_block_degree_on_then ( const DegCacheMgr &  deg_mgr,
NaviType  navi,
IdxType  next_block,
SizeType  degree,
valid_tag  is_descending 
) [inline]

template<class DegCacheMgr, class NaviType, class SizeType>
bool polybori::max_degree_on_then ( const DegCacheMgr &  deg_mgr,
NaviType  navi,
SizeType  degree,
invalid_tag  non_descending 
) [inline]

template<class DegCacheMgr, class NaviType, class SizeType>
bool polybori::max_degree_on_then ( const DegCacheMgr &  deg_mgr,
NaviType  navi,
SizeType  degree,
valid_tag  is_descending 
) [inline]

References dd_cached_degree().

template<class MemberFct>
MemberFunctionOperator<MemberFct> polybori::member_function_operator ( MemberFct  func  )  [inline]

template<class NaviType, class ReverseIterator, class DDOperations>
NaviType polybori::minimal_of_two_terms ( NaviType  navi,
NaviType &  multiples,
ReverseIterator  idxStart,
ReverseIterator  idxFinish,
const DDOperations &  apply 
) [inline]


elseTail = elseNavi;

PBORI_PREFIX(Cudd_Ref)(elseTail); 1 elseMult = elseTail;

!2 thenTail = thenNavi;

!1 thenMult= thenTail;

References indexed_term_multiples(), and prepend_multiples_wrt_indices().

Referenced by dd_minimal_elements().

template<class Type1, class Data2, class Type2>
bool polybori::operator!= ( Type1 *  lhs,
const CExtrusivePtr< Data2, Type2 > &  rhs 
) [inline]

Nonequality check from a pointer.

References polybori::CExtrusivePtr< DataType, ValueType >::get().

template<class Data1, class Type1, class Type2>
bool polybori::operator!= ( const CExtrusivePtr< Data1, Type1 > &  lhs,
Type2 *  rhs 
) [inline]

Nonequality check wrt. pointer.

References polybori::CExtrusivePtr< DataType, ValueType >::get().

template<class Data1, class Type1, class Data2, class Type2>
bool polybori::operator!= ( const CExtrusivePtr< Data1, Type1 > &  lhs,
const CExtrusivePtr< Data2, Type2 > &  rhs 
) [inline]

BoolePolynomial::bool_type polybori::operator!= ( BoolePolynomial::bool_type  lhs,
const BoolePolynomial &  rhs 
) [inline]

Nonquality check (with constant lhs).

template<class RHSType>
BoolePolynomial polybori::operator% ( const BoolePolynomial &  lhs,
const RHSType &  rhs 
) [inline]

Modulus monomial (division remainder).

BoolePolynomial polybori::operator% ( const BoolePolynomial &  lhs,
const BooleVariable &  rhs 
) [inline]

Remainder of division of a polynomial by a variable.

BoolePolynomial polybori::operator* ( const BooleConstant &  lhs,
const BoolePolynomial &  rhs 
) [inline]

BoolePolynomial polybori::operator* ( const BooleExponent &  lhs,
const BoolePolynomial &  rhs 
) [inline]

BoolePolynomial polybori::operator* ( const BooleMonomial &  lhs,
const BoolePolynomial &  rhs 
) [inline]

BoolePolynomial polybori::operator* ( const BoolePolynomial &  lhs,
const BooleConstant &  rhs 
) [inline]

BoolePolynomial polybori::operator* ( const BoolePolynomial &  lhs,
const BooleExponent &  rhs 
) [inline]

BoolePolynomial polybori::operator* ( const BoolePolynomial &  lhs,
const BooleMonomial &  rhs 
) [inline]

BoolePolynomial polybori::operator* ( const BoolePolynomial &  lhs,
const BoolePolynomial &  rhs 
) [inline]

BoolePolynomial polybori::operator* ( const BoolePolynomial &  lhs,
const BooleVariable &  rhs 
) [inline]

Multiplication of a polynomial by a variable.

BooleMonomial polybori::operator* ( const BooleVariable &  lhs,
const BooleVariable &  rhs 
) [inline]

Multiplication of monomials by a polynomial.

BooleMonomial polybori::operator* ( const BooleVariable &  lhs,
const BooleMonomial &  rhs 
) [inline]

Multiplication of variables by a monomial.

BoolePolynomial polybori::operator* ( const BooleVariable &  lhs,
const BoolePolynomial &  rhs 
) [inline]

Multiplication of variables by a polynomial.

BoolePolynomial polybori::operator* ( const BooleConstant &  lhs,
const BooleVariable &  rhs 
) [inline]

Multiplication of 0 or 1 by a Variable.

BoolePolynomial polybori::operator* ( const BooleVariable &  lhs,
const BooleConstant &  rhs 
) [inline]

Multiplication of variables by a 0 or 1.

BoolePolynomial polybori::operator* ( BooleConstant  lhs,
const BooleMonomial &  rhs 
) [inline]

Multiplication of monomials.

BoolePolynomial polybori::operator* ( const BooleMonomial &  lhs,
BooleConstant  rhs 
) [inline]

Multiplication of monomials.

BooleMonomial polybori::operator* ( const BooleMonomial &  lhs,
const BooleVariable &  rhs 
) [inline]

Multiplication of monomials.

BooleMonomial polybori::operator* ( const BooleMonomial &  lhs,
const BooleMonomial &  rhs 
) [inline]

Multiplication of monomials.

BooleConstant polybori::operator* ( const BooleConstant &  lhs,
const BooleConstant &  rhs 
) [inline]

BoolePolynomial& polybori::operator*= ( BoolePolynomial &  lhs,
const BooleVariable &  rhs 
) [inline]

Multiplication of a polynomial by a variable with assignment.

BoolePolynomial polybori::operator+ ( BooleConstant  lhs,
const BoolePolynomial &  rhs 
) [inline]

Addition operation.

BoolePolynomial polybori::operator+ ( const BoolePolynomial &  lhs,
BooleConstant  rhs 
) [inline]

Addition operation.

BoolePolynomial polybori::operator+ ( const BoolePolynomial &  lhs,
const BoolePolynomial &  rhs 
) [inline]

Addition operation.

template<class RHSType>
BooleExponent polybori::operator+ ( const BooleExponent &  lhs,
const RHSType &  rhs 
) [inline]

Multiplication of monomials.

References polybori::BooleExponent::multiply().

BooleConstant polybori::operator+ ( const BooleConstant &  lhs,
const BooleConstant &  rhs 
) [inline]

BoolePolynomial polybori::operator- ( const BooleConstant &  lhs,
const BoolePolynomial &  rhs 
) [inline]

Subtraction operation with constant right-hand-side.

template<class RHSType>
BoolePolynomial polybori::operator- ( const BoolePolynomial &  lhs,
const RHSType &  rhs 
) [inline]

Subtraction operation.

template<class RHSType>
BooleExponent polybori::operator- ( const BooleExponent &  lhs,
const RHSType &  rhs 
) [inline]

Division of monomials.

References polybori::BooleExponent::divide().

BooleConstant polybori::operator- ( const BooleConstant &  lhs,
const BooleConstant &  rhs 
) [inline]

BoolePolynomial polybori::operator/ ( const BooleVariable &  lhs,
const BooleVariable &  rhs 
) [inline]


References polybori::BooleVariable::ring().

template<class RHSType>
BoolePolynomial polybori::operator/ ( const BoolePolynomial &  lhs,
const RHSType &  rhs 
) [inline]

Division by monomial (skipping remainder).

BoolePolynomial polybori::operator/ ( const BoolePolynomial &  lhs,
const BooleVariable &  rhs 
) [inline]

Division of a polynomial by a variable (forcing monomial variant).

BooleMonomial polybori::operator/ ( const BooleMonomial &  lhs,
const BooleVariable &  rhs 
) [inline]

Division of monomials.

BooleMonomial polybori::operator/ ( const BooleMonomial &  lhs,
const BooleMonomial &  rhs 
) [inline]

Division of monomials.

BooleMonomial::bool_type polybori::operator< ( const BooleMonomial &  lhs,
const BooleMonomial &  rhs 
) [inline]

Less than comparision.

References polybori::BooleMonomial::compare().

BooleSet::ostream_type& polybori::operator<< ( BooleSet::ostream_type &  os,
const BooleSet &  bset 
) [inline]

Stream output operator.

References polybori::BooleSet::print().

BoolePolyRing::ostream_type& polybori::operator<< ( BoolePolyRing::ostream_type &  os,
const BoolePolyRing &  ring 
) [inline]

Stream output operator.

References polybori::BoolePolyRing::print().

BoolePolynomial::ostream_type & polybori::operator<< ( BoolePolynomial::ostream_type &  os,
const BoolePolynomial &  source 

Stream output operator.

References polybori::BoolePolynomial::print().

BooleExponent::ostream_type& polybori::operator<< ( BooleExponent::ostream_type &  os,
const BooleExponent &  rhs 
) [inline]

Stream output operator.

References polybori::BooleExponent::print().

CTypes::ostream_type& polybori::operator<< ( CTypes::ostream_type &  os,
const BooleConstant &  rhs 
) [inline]

Stream output operator.

BooleMonomial::bool_type polybori::operator<= ( const BooleMonomial &  lhs,
const BooleMonomial &  rhs 
) [inline]

Less or equal than comparision.

References polybori::BooleMonomial::compare().

template<class Type1, class Data2, class Type2>
bool polybori::operator== ( Type1 *  lhs,
const CExtrusivePtr< Data2, Type2 > &  rhs 
) [inline]

Equality check from a pointer.

References polybori::CExtrusivePtr< DataType, ValueType >::get().

template<class Data1, class Type1, class Type2>
bool polybori::operator== ( const CExtrusivePtr< Data1, Type1 > &  lhs,
Type2 *  rhs 
) [inline]

Equality check wrt. pointer.

References polybori::CExtrusivePtr< DataType, ValueType >::get().

template<class Data1, class Type1, class Data2, class Type2>
bool polybori::operator== ( const CExtrusivePtr< Data1, Type1 > &  lhs,
const CExtrusivePtr< Data2, Type2 > &  rhs 
) [inline]

BoolePolynomial::bool_type polybori::operator== ( BoolePolynomial::bool_type  lhs,
const BoolePolynomial &  rhs 
) [inline]

Equality check (with constant lhs).

BooleMonomial::bool_type polybori::operator> ( const BooleMonomial &  lhs,
const BooleMonomial &  rhs 
) [inline]

Greater than comparision.

References polybori::BooleMonomial::compare().

BooleMonomial::bool_type polybori::operator>= ( const BooleMonomial &  lhs,
const BooleMonomial &  rhs 
) [inline]

Greater or equal than comparision.

References polybori::BooleMonomial::compare().

template<class NaviType>
bool polybori::owns_one ( NaviType  navi  )  [inline]

Test whether the empty set is included.

Referenced by dd_contains_divs_of_dec_deg(), dd_minimal_elements(), dd_modulo_monomials(), and polybori::BooleSet::ownsOne().

template<class MgrType, class NodeType>
NodeType polybori::pboriCudd_zddUnionXor ( MgrType  dd,
NodeType  P,
NodeType  Q 
) [inline]

template<class MgrType, class NodeType>
NodeType polybori::pboriCuddZddUnionXor ( MgrType  zdd,
NodeType  P,
NodeType  Q 
) [inline]

The following should be made more generic

This is still Cudd-like style, should be rewritten with PolyBoRi's cache wrapper, which would the dependency on PBORI_PREFIX(cuddInt.h)

References Cudd_Deref, Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd, Cudd_Ref, cuddCacheInsert2, cuddCacheLookup2Zdd, cuddZddGetNode, PBORI_PREFIX, and pboriCuddZddUnionXor__().

Referenced by pboriCudd_zddUnionXor().

DdNode * polybori::pboriCuddZddUnionXor__ ( DdManager *  ,
DdNode *  ,
DdNode *   

Referenced by pboriCuddZddUnionXor().

template<class NaviType, class SizeType, class ReverseIterator, class DDOperations>
NaviType polybori::prepend_multiples_wrt_indices ( NaviType  navi,
SizeType  minIdx,
ReverseIterator  start,
ReverseIterator  finish,
const DDOperations &  apply 
) [inline]

template<class MgrType, class NaviType>
void polybori::recursive_dec_ref ( const MgrType &  mgr,
const NaviType &  navi 
) [inline]

template<class MgrType>
void polybori::recursive_dec_ref ( const MgrType &  mgr,
DdNode *  node 
) [inline]

template<class FirstIterator, class SecondIterator, class IdxType, class BinaryPredicate>
CTypes::comp_type polybori::restricted_lex_compare_3way ( FirstIterator  start,
FirstIterator  finish,
SecondIterator  rhs_start,
SecondIterator  rhs_finish,
IdxType  max_index,
BinaryPredicate  idx_comp 
) [inline]

Referenced by block_dlex_compare().

template<class InputIterator, class Intermediate, class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator polybori::reversed_inter_copy ( InputIterator  start,
InputIterator  finish,
Intermediate &  inter,
OutputIterator  output 
) [inline]

Function templates doing a reversed copy using intermediate storage.

Referenced by dd_last_lexicographical_term().

void polybori::run ( const char *  code  )  [inline]

template<class Iterator>
bool polybori::same_rings ( Iterator  start,
Iterator  finish 
) [inline]

template<class IDType, class Iterator>
bool polybori::same_rings ( const IDType &  id,
Iterator  start,
Iterator  finish 
) [inline]

template<class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class FirstFunction, class UnaryFunction>
OutputIterator polybori::special_first_transform ( InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last,
OutputIterator  result,
UnaryFunction  op,
FirstFunction  firstop 
) [inline]

References transform().

BoolePolynomial polybori::spoly ( const BoolePolynomial &  first,
const BoolePolynomial &  second 
) [inline]

template<class NaviType>
std::size_t polybori::stable_first_hash_range ( NaviType  navi  )  [inline]

template<class HashType, class NaviType>
void polybori::stable_first_hash_range ( HashType &  seed,
NaviType  navi 
) [inline]

template<class NaviType>
std::size_t polybori::stable_hash_range ( NaviType  navi  )  [inline]

template<class HashType, class NaviType>
void polybori::stable_hash_range ( HashType &  seed,
NaviType  navi 
) [inline]

References stable_hash_range().

template<class Iterator>
std::size_t polybori::stable_term_hash ( Iterator  start,
Iterator  finish 
) [inline]

template<class HashType, class Iterator>
void polybori::stable_term_hash ( HashType &  seed,
Iterator  start,
Iterator  finish 
) [inline]

References finalize_term_hash().

template<class RingType, class MapType, class PolyType>
PolyType polybori::substitute_variables ( const RingType &  ring,
const MapType &  idx2poly,
const PolyType &  poly 
) [inline]

Maps a polynomial from one ring to another, using a given map old_index -> new_polynomial

template<class PolyType, class RingType, class MapType, class NaviType>
PolyType polybori::substitute_variables__ ( const RingType &  ring,
const MapType &  idx2poly,
NaviType  navi 
) [inline]

Internal variant: Maps a polynomial from one ring to another, using a given map old_index -> new_polynomial

template<class InputIterator, class ValueType>
ValueType polybori::term_accumulate ( InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last,
ValueType  init 
) [inline]

Routine for adding all terms given by iterators.

: This line always uses the active manager!
: check correct manager

References PBORI_ASSERT, and upper_term_accumulate().

Referenced by polybori::groebner::LexHelper::sum_range(), and term_accumulate().

template<class UpperIterator, class NaviType, class LowerIterator, class ValueType>
ValueType polybori::term_accumulate ( UpperIterator  ustart,
UpperIterator  ufinish,
NaviType  navi,
LowerIterator  lstart,
LowerIterator  lfinish,
ValueType  init 
) [inline]

template<class InIter, class OutIter, class Object, class MemberFuncPtr>
OutIter polybori::transform ( InIter  start,
InIter  finish,
OutIter  result,
Object &  obj,
MemberFuncPtr  func 
) [inline]

template<class UpperIterator, class NaviType, class ValueType>
ValueType polybori::upper_term_accumulate ( UpperIterator  ustart,
UpperIterator  ufinish,
NaviType  navi,
ValueType  init 
) [inline]

Referenced by term_accumulate().

template<class Type, class Type1, class Type2, class Type3>
const Type& polybori::which ( bool  cond1,
const Type1 &  value1,
bool  cond2,
const Type2 &  value2,
bool  cond3,
const Type3 &  value3,
const Type &  value 
) [inline]

template<class Type, class Type1, class Type2>
const Type& polybori::which ( bool  cond1,
const Type1 &  value1,
bool  cond2,
const Type2 &  value2,
const Type &  value 
) [inline]

References which().

template<class Type, class Type1>
const Type& polybori::which ( bool  condition,
const Type1 &  value1,
const Type &  value 
) [inline]

Generated on Wed Jan 30 16:39:52 2013 for PolyBoRi by  doxygen 1.5.6