pbori_algorithms.h File Reference

#include <numeric>
#include <polybori/pbori_defs.h>
#include "pbori_algo.h"
#include <polybori/BoolePolynomial.h>
#include <polybori/BooleMonomial.h>
#include <polybori/iterators/CGenericIter.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  polybori


BoolePolynomial polybori::spoly (const BoolePolynomial &first, const BoolePolynomial &second)
 Compute spoly of two polynomials.
template<class NaviType, class LowerIterator, class ValueType>
ValueType polybori::lower_term_accumulate (NaviType navi, LowerIterator lstart, LowerIterator lfinish, ValueType init)
template<class UpperIterator, class NaviType, class ValueType>
ValueType polybori::upper_term_accumulate (UpperIterator ustart, UpperIterator ufinish, NaviType navi, ValueType init)
template<class UpperIterator, class NaviType, class LowerIterator, class ValueType>
ValueType polybori::term_accumulate (UpperIterator ustart, UpperIterator ufinish, NaviType navi, LowerIterator lstart, LowerIterator lfinish, ValueType init)
template<class InputIterator, class ValueType>
ValueType polybori::term_accumulate (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, ValueType init)
 Routine for adding all terms given by iterators.
template<class CacheType, class NaviType, class SetType>
SetType polybori::dd_mapping (const CacheType &cache, NaviType navi, NaviType map, SetType init)
template<class PolyType, class MapType>
PolyType polybori::apply_mapping (const PolyType &poly, const MapType &map)
template<class MonomType, class PolyType>
PolyType polybori::generate_mapping (MonomType &fromVars, MonomType &toVars, PolyType init)
template<class PolyType, class MonomType>
PolyType polybori::mapping (PolyType poly, MonomType fromVars, MonomType toVars)

Detailed Description

Alexander Dreyer
This file contains algorithmic procedures, which can be used together with PolyBoRi classes.
This file depends on several PolyBoRi classes, so it should not be included by PolyBoRi headers (excl. polybori.h), because this would lead to curious dependencies. Several templates, which do not depend on PolyBoRi classes can be found in pbori_algo.h.
(c) 2007 by The PolyBoRi Team

Generated on Wed Jan 30 16:39:51 2013 for PolyBoRi by  doxygen 1.5.6