BoolePolynomial.h File Reference

#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <polybori/BoolePolyRing.h>
#include <polybori/routines/pbori_func.h>
#include <polybori/common/tags.h>
#include <polybori/BooleSet.h>
#include <polybori/iterators/CTermIter.h>
#include <polybori/iterators/CGenericIter.h>
#include <polybori/iterators/CBidirectTermIter.h>
#include <polybori/BooleConstant.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  polybori


class  polybori::BoolePolynomial
 This class wraps the underlying decicion diagram type and defines the necessary operations. More...


#define PBORI_RHS_MULT(type)
 Multiplication with other left-hand side type.
#define PBORI_LHS_MULT(type)
 Multiplication with other left-hand side type.


BoolePolynomial polybori::operator+ (const BoolePolynomial &lhs, const BoolePolynomial &rhs)
 Addition operation.
BoolePolynomial polybori::operator+ (const BoolePolynomial &lhs, BooleConstant rhs)
 Addition operation.
BoolePolynomial polybori::operator+ (BooleConstant lhs, const BoolePolynomial &rhs)
 Addition operation.
template<class RHSType>
BoolePolynomial polybori::operator- (const BoolePolynomial &lhs, const RHSType &rhs)
 Subtraction operation.
BoolePolynomial polybori::operator- (const BooleConstant &lhs, const BoolePolynomial &rhs)
 Subtraction operation with constant right-hand-side.
BoolePolynomial polybori::operator* (const BoolePolynomial &lhs, const BoolePolynomial &rhs)
BoolePolynomial polybori::operator* (const BoolePolynomial &lhs, const BooleMonomial &rhs)
BoolePolynomial polybori::operator* (const BoolePolynomial &lhs, const BooleExponent &rhs)
BoolePolynomial polybori::operator* (const BoolePolynomial &lhs, const BooleConstant &rhs)
BoolePolynomial polybori::operator* (const BooleMonomial &lhs, const BoolePolynomial &rhs)
BoolePolynomial polybori::operator* (const BooleExponent &lhs, const BoolePolynomial &rhs)
BoolePolynomial polybori::operator* (const BooleConstant &lhs, const BoolePolynomial &rhs)
template<class RHSType>
BoolePolynomial polybori::operator/ (const BoolePolynomial &lhs, const RHSType &rhs)
 Division by monomial (skipping remainder).
template<class RHSType>
BoolePolynomial polybori::operator% (const BoolePolynomial &lhs, const RHSType &rhs)
 Modulus monomial (division remainder).
BoolePolynomial::bool_type polybori::operator== (BoolePolynomial::bool_type lhs, const BoolePolynomial &rhs)
 Equality check (with constant lhs).
BoolePolynomial::bool_type polybori::operator!= (BoolePolynomial::bool_type lhs, const BoolePolynomial &rhs)
 Nonquality check (with constant lhs).
BoolePolynomial::ostream_type & polybori::operator<< (BoolePolynomial::ostream_type &, const BoolePolynomial &)
 Stream output operator.

Detailed Description

Alexander Dreyer
This file carries the definition of class BoolePolynomial, which can be used to access the boolean polynomials with respect to the polynomial ring, which was active on initialization time.

(c) 2006-2010 by The PolyBoRi Team

Define Documentation

#define PBORI_LHS_MULT ( type   ) 


inline BoolePolynomial \
operator*(const type& lhs, const BoolePolynomial& rhs) { return rhs * lhs; }
Multiplication with other left-hand side type.

#define PBORI_RHS_MULT ( type   ) 


inline BoolePolynomial \
operator*(const BoolePolynomial& lhs, const type& rhs) { \
    return BoolePolynomial(lhs) *= rhs; }
Multiplication with other left-hand side type.

Generated on Wed Jan 30 16:39:51 2013 for PolyBoRi by  doxygen 1.5.6